Catechism of the Catholic Church

832 Index liturgical celebration or rite of the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation actions of the penitent ( see Penance and Reconciliation: acts of the penitent) actions of the priest, 1491 changes in liturgical celebration of the sacrament of Penance over the centuries, 1447‑48 communal, 1482‑83 fundamental structure, 1448, 1480 minister of, 1461‑62, 1466 necessity of the sacrament for receiving the other sacraments, 1385 for Reconciliation with God and with the Church, 1484 for recovering the grace of justification, 1446 for obtaining forgiveness of mortal sins, 1395 titles for the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation sacrament of Confession, 1424, 1455‑58 conversion, 1423 forgiveness, 1395, 1424, 1446 pardon, 1422 Penance, 1423 Reconciliation, 1385, 1424, 1440 remission, 1496 Pentecost day of full revelation of the Trinity, 732 day of Jesus’ public manifestation, 767, 1076 day of outpouring of the Holy Spirit, 696, 731, 1287, 2623 People of God , 781‑86 belonging to, 836, 871 the Church as, 781‑86 diversity of peoples and cultures in, 814 faith of the, 93, 99 gathering together of, 761‑62, 776, 865 Israel’s election as, 762 Jews, non‑Christians and, 839 ministries as a help to, 874 of the Old Covenant and the new people of God, 840 peculiarities of, 782 priestly, 784 prophetic, 785 royal, 786 universality of, 831, 885 Perfection charity as the “bond of perfection,” 1827 Christ as the way of, 1953 of creation, 302, 310 of creatures, 41, 330, 339 as the fruit of the Holy Spirit, 1832 God as the fullness of all, 41, 213, 370 human virtues and, 1804 journey of, 2015 man and woman reflect God’s, 370 of Mary and the Church, 829 movement of the will and heart in moral, 1770, 1775 must be acquired by the faithful, 825, 1709, 2013, 2028 must be found in seeking what is true and good, 1704 Perjury consequences of, 2476 gravity of, 1756, 2153, 2163 meaning of, 2152 Persecution of Christ, 530 of the Church, 675, 769, 1816 Perseverance in faith, 162 final perseverance and retribution, 2016 in prayer, 2728, 2742‑43 Person(s) and the common good, 1738, 1905, 1912‑13 communication through the media and, 2492, 2494 constitution of, 362 destined for eternal beatitude, 1703 differences between, 1946 as God’s image, 1730 identity of, 203, 2158 integrity of, 2338‑45 is capable, 1704 respect for, 1907, 1929‑33, 2212, 2297‑98, 2477, 2479, 2524