Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 833 and scientific research, 2292‑96 and their goods, 2407‑18 rights and duties of, 1738, 2070, 2108, 2270, 2273 sexuality and, 2332, 2337 and society, 1878‑89, 1929 state and, 2237 as the temple of the Holy Spirit, 364 transcendent nature of the human, 1295, 2245 work and, 2428 See also Man; Society dignity of the person, 1700‑1876 artificial insemination and, 2377 attempts to influence the genetic inheritance and, 2275 euthanasia and, 2277, 2324 experiments on the human creature and, 2295 foundation of, 225, 357, 1700, 1730, 1934, 2126 implications of, 1780, 1930, 1938, 1944, 2339, 2467 pornography, prostitution, violation, and, 2354‑56 and religious freedom, 1738, 1747, 2106 respect for, 1935, 2158, 2235, 2267, 2297, 2304 sin and, 1487, 2261, 2320, 2353, 2414 and social justice, 1911, 1913, 1926, 1929, 1938, 2213, 2238, 2402 Peter (the apostle) denial and conversion of, 1429, 1851 faith in Christ, 153, 424, 440, 442 as head of the apostles, 552, 765, 880‑81 offices of, 552, 642, 881 Roman bishop ( see Supreme Pontiff) as witness of Christ’s Resurrection, 641‑42 Petition , 2734. See also Prayer Pharisees behavior of, 576, 579, 595, 993, 2054 disagreement between Christ and, 574, 581, 588, 596, 2285 Jesus’ relations with, 575 Physician care of the human body and of health, 2288‑89 immoral actions of, 2377, 2537 Jesus Christ as physician of souls and bodies, 1421, 1484, 1503‑05 professional secrecy, 2491 Piety devotion to the Virgin Mary, 971 filial, 2215 as a gift of the Holy Spirit, 1303, 1831 popular piety and catechesis, 1674, 2688 Pilgrimage appropriate times for, 1438 of the Church, 769 as a form of piety and devotion, 1674, 2101 man’s earthly, 1013, 1419 significance of, 2691 Places for celebrating divine worship , 1179‑86, 1198‑99 Pleasure(s) sexual intemperate, 2351‑56 temperate, 2362 spiritual, 2500 temperance, the virtue that moderates the attraction of, 1809 Political authority/community action of resisting oppression by political power, 2243 authority exercised within limits, 1923 Christian faithful intervening in political organization of social life, 899, 2442 community and the Church, 2244‑46 control of political opinion, 2499 distinction between the service of God and the service of, 2242 human rights and political authorities, 2273 moral judgment of the Church in matters related to political order, 2246 prayer for political authorities, 1900 regimes and the common good, 1901‑04, 2237 Polygamy contrary to the equal personal dignity of man and woman, 1645