Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 835 with Mary, 2673‑79, 2682 perseverance in, 2742, 2582 praying as a vital necessity, 2744 praying each and every day, 2659‑60 rhythms and times of, 2698 and the search for God, 2566 Sunday, 2761, 2765 See also Liturgy of the Hours; “Our Father,” the prayer; Psalms difficulties in praying, 2731, 2735‑37, 2754 battle of, 2725 distractions, 2729 failure in, 2728 not heard, 2737 objections to, 2726‑27 temptations, 2732‑33, 2755 expressions and forms of prayer, 2644, 2663, 2684 act of thanksgiving, 2637‑38, 2648 adoration, 2096‑97, 2628 anamnesis, 1354 anaphora, 1352 blessing, 2626‑27 contemplative, 2709‑19, 2724 groaning, 2630 intercession, 2634‑36, 2647 life of, 2697‑99 Liturgy of the Hours, 1174‑78 meditation, 2705‑08, 2723 of praise, 2639‑43, 2649 pray at all times, 2633 preface, 1352 supplication: seek, beseech, plead, invoke, entreat, cry out, struggle in prayer, 2629‑33, 2646 helps for prayer, 2041, 2695 assembly of prayer (see Prayer groups) catechesis, 2688 Christian family, 2205, 2685 education in prayer, 2252, 2686, 2688‑89, 2694 places favorable to prayer, 2691 saints as witnesses of spirituality, 2683‑84 spiritual direction, 2690 intentions of supplications and intercessions for the coming of God’s Kingdom, 2816 for daily bread, 2828‑37 for the dead, 958, 1032 for deliverance from evil, 2850‑54 for ecumenism, 821 for forgiveness, 2631, 2838‑41 petition to the Holy Spirit, 2671 for the sick, 1499, 1510 Jesus teaches how to pray, 2601, 2603‑04, 2607 ask with filial boldness, 2610 asking in the name of Jesus, 2614 to do God’s will, 2611 by His own prayer, 2607 Jesus as themodel of prayer, 520, 2601 Jesus insists on conversion of heart, 2608 keeping watch in prayer, 2612 parables on prayer importunate friend, 2613 importunate widow, 2613 Pharisee and the Publican, 2613 pray in faith and confidence, 2609‑10 prayer and the Christian life, 2564‑65 Christian prayer characterized by the title “Lord,” 451 in consecrated life, 2687 in daily life, 2659‑60 filial relationship with God in Christian prayer, 2525, 2786‑88 meaning of the word “Amen,” 1061‑65 name of Jesus in the heart of Christian prayer, 435, 2664 tradition of Christian prayer, 2650‑51 prayer in the Holy Spirit, 2615 intercedes for us, 688, 741 as the source of prayer, 2652 as the Teacher of prayer, 2670, 2672 prayer in the Old Testament, 2568 of Abraham, 2570 creation as the source of, 2569 of King David, 2578‑80, 2594 of Moses, 2574‑77, 2593 of the prophets, 2581‑84, 2595 of the Psalms, 2585‑89, 2596 prayer of Jesus action of the Holy Spirit in, 2600 to the Father, 2599