Catechism of the Catholic Church

836 Index of the Hour of Jesus, 2746‑51, 2758 Jesus learning how to pray from Mary, 2599 in life, 2598‑2606, 2620 prayer of the Church all with one accord devoted themselves to prayer on Pentecost, 2623 directed to Jesus, 2665‑69, 2680 first community of Jerusalem, 2424‑25 liturgical, 1073, 2655 praying in the name of Jesus, 2664, 2668, 2671, 2815 should accompany the reading of Sacred Scripture, 2653‑54 “Through Our Lord Jesus Christ,” 435 properties of the praying soul hope, 1820 humility as the foundation of prayer, 2559 trust, 2734 watchfulness, 2730 Prayer groups , 2689, 2695 Preaching apostolic, 76‑77 Christ’s Resurrection as the reason for our, 651 effects of, 94 God’s Word as the nourishment of, 132 importance of, 875, 1122 Jesus’, 1151, 1716 Predestination , 257, 600, 1007, 2012, 2782, 2823 Preferential option. See Love: preferential love Prefiguration(s) of Baptism in the Old Covenant, 1217‑22 of the Eucharist, 1335 of the Old Covenant, 1223 of the priest in the Old Covenant, 1544 Preparation for receiving the sacraments. See individual sacraments Presence of Christ in the earthly liturgy, 1088 in the Eucharist, 1374, 1378‑79, 2691 God to be in, 2565 man conscious of God’s presence and the effects of this consciousness, 208, 2144 signs of, 1148 Presentation of Jesus in the Temple , 529 Preside bishop presides over the particular Church, 1369 chair of the presider over the assembly, 1184 Christ presides over every liturgical celebration, 1348 deacons preside over funerals, 1570 faculty of lay people to preside at blessings, 1669 faculty of lay people to preside over liturgical prayers, 903 ministry of the bishop and priests in presiding over the Eucharist, 1142, 1411 Presumption as a sin against hope, 2091‑92 Pride , 1866, 2514 battle against, 1784 consequences of, 2094, 2317, 2540, 2728 Priest/priesthood celibacy of, 1580 Christ the Priest ( see Christ) the Church as a kingdom of priests, 1546 the Church as a priestly people, 784, 941, 1591, 1119 common priesthood of the baptized, 1141, 1143, 1268, 1273, 1546‑47 high priesthood as the fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders, 1557 meaning of the word priest, 1554 the ministerial or hierarchical priesthood of bishops and priests, 1547