Catechism of the Catholic Church

838 Index of the one faith as the bond of Church unity, 815 and work, 2230, 2433 Promise(s) of Baptism, 1185, 1254, 1298 of the Beatitudes, 1716‑17, 1725, 1967 of eternal life, 2002 God’s promises to Abraham, 705‑06 fidelity to His, 212, 215, 422, 1063 and the prayer of faith, 2570‑74, 2579 and their fulfillment, 484, 652, 1065, 2787 of the Holy Spirit, 715, 729, 1287 hope and trust in Christ’s, 1817 Israel as trustee of God’s, 60 of Jesus’ Resurrection and its fulfillment, 638, 653 made to God or a vow, 2101‑03 marriage, 1644 the Promised Land, 1222 solemn promise and an oath, 2147, 2150, 2152 spirit of, 705‑06 Promotion, human , 1929 Property, private respect for, 2409 right to, 2211, 2401, 2403, 2406, 2411 universal destination and the private ownership of goods, 2402‑06, 2452 Prophecy of the destruction of the Temple, 585 as a gift, 2004 of the suffering servant, 601 Prophet(s) action of the Holy Spirit through, 243 and the announcing of the Messiah, 522, 555, 702 Elias, father of, 2582 John the Baptist, the last of, 523, 719 role and mission of prophets in Israel, 64, 201, 522, 762, 1964, 2581, 2595 significance and importance of the prayer of, 2584 who denounced, 2100, 2380 as witnesses of God’s justice, 2543 as witnesses of God’s love for Israel, 218 Propitiator , 433 Prostitution , 2355 Providence childlike abandonment to the providence of God, 305, 322, 2215, 2547, 2830 Christian prayer as cooperation with God’s, 2738 and the cooperation of creatures, 306‑07, 323 definition of, 302, 321 divine providence as God’s plan carried out, 302‑05 and evil, 309‑14, 324, 395 leads, 1040 and secondary causes, 306‑08 witness of Sacred Scripture to divine, 303 See also God Prudence as a cardinal virtue, 1805‑06 common good demands, 1906 definition of, 1806, 1835 in moral judgment and in decisions, 1788 Psalms collection of the five books of, 2585 definition of, 2596 different forms and expressions of, 2588 express the heart of “the poor,” 716 importance of, 2597 institution of, 1176 and the liturgy, 1156, 1177 as a prayer of the assembly, 2585‑89 praying psalms teaches faith and hope in God, 2657 significance of, 2586‑88 special characteristics of, 2589 Public opinion , 2286, 2493, 2498, 2499 . See also Notoriety Punishment commensurate with the gravity of the crime, 2266 of death, 2267 diversity of punishment in Purgatory and in Hell, 1031