Catechism of the Catholic Church

840 Index Reflection importance of personal, 1779 prayerful, 2708 See also Meditation Reformation, the , 406, 1400 Refusal to obey Adam’s refusal to obey amended for by Christ, 411, 532, 614‑15 civil authorities, 2242, 2256, 2313 disobedience of Adam and man and its consequences, 399, 400‑02, 1733, 2515 moral authority, 1733, 1862, 2515 sin as refusal to God, 397, 1850, 1871 See also Obedience Regeneration (Christian) Baptism, the sacrament, and the washing of regeneration, 1213, 1215 effects of, 784, 872, 1262 See also Baptism Regulation of births , 2368, 2370, 2372, 2399 Reincarnation , 1013 Relations. See Man; Society Religion(s) acts of, 1969 the Church and non‑Christian, 842‑43 freedom to profess, 2137 invoking of God as Father in many, 238 and the political community, 2244 search for God in all, 2566 social duty of, 2104‑05, 2467 virtues of, 1807, 2095‑96, 2117, 2125, 2135, 2144 Religious families, 917‑18, 927 state of religious life, 916, 925‑27 witness of, 933 See also Life: consecrated life; Life: religious life Remembrance of the angels, 335 of Christ’s passion and resurrection, 1163, 1167, 1354 of creation, 2169 of the dead, 958, 1032 of God’s wonders, 1103 Holy Spirit as the Church’s living memory, 1099 of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice, 1333, 1341‑44, 1394 of the saints, 957, 1173, 1195 Renewal Baptism, the “washing of regeneration and of renewal of the Holy Spirit,” 1215 of the Church, 670, 821, 827, 1428 at the end of time, 1043 saints as the source and origin of, 828 Renunciation of riches , 2544, 2556 Reparation Christ makes amends for Adam’s disobedience and our sins, 411, 615 duty of, 2487 Eucharist as an offering in reparation for sins, 1414 for injustice, 2412, 2454 of offenses committed against the truth, 2509 Respect charity as respect for one’s neighbor, 1789, 1825 for Church leaders, 1269 for the commandments, the Law, the evangelical counsels, 532, 579, 1986, 2053, 2200 for family, 2206, 2214‑17, 2219, 2228, 2251 for God’s name, 2144, 2148‑49 for the goods of another, 2408‑14 for human freedom, 1738, 1884 for human life, 2259‑83 for the integrity of creation, 2415‑18 for natural law, 2036 for non‑Catholic Christians, 818 for one’s own body, 1004 owed to God, 209, 2101, 2148 for political authority, 1880, 1900 for private property, 2403 for religious freedom, 2188 for sinners, 1466‑67 for the Temple, 583‑84