Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 841 for the truth, 2488‑92 See also Dignity respect for the dignity of the person, 2284‑2301 for the dead, 2299‑2301 for health, 2288‑91 for the integrity of the body, 2297‑98 for the person and his rights, 1907, 1929‑33, 1944 for the reputation of persons, 2477, 2507 scientific research and, 2292‑96 for the soul of another, 2284‑87 Responsibility of actions, 1735, 1737, 1745‑46, 1754 bishops and apostolic, 1594 of children toward their parents, 2218 conscience and responsibility to be assumed, 1781 freedom and, 1036, 1731‑38 of man as steward of the world, 373 of parents toward their children, 2223, 2225 participation in social life and, 1913‑17 of the People of God, 783 poverty and the moral responsibility of wealthy nations, 2439 sin and, 1868 of sinners for the death of Jesus, 597‑98 of spouses in transmitting life, 2368 Rest on the day of the Lord, 2184‑85, 2194 on the Sabbath in the Decalogue, 582, 2168‑73, 2189 Resurrection of Christ. See Christ Resurrection of the dead body and soul at the final resurrection, 366 cremation and faith in the resurrection of the body, 2301 Eucharist as the power of resurrection, 1524 faith in the resurrection of the dead as essential to the Christian faith, 991 hour of resurrection of all the dead, 1001, 1038 how the dead are resurrected, 999, 1000 “I believe in the resurrection of the body,” 988‑1013 opposition and incomprehension as to faith in, 996 progressive revelation of, 992 reasons for and the foundations of faith in, 993‑95 resurrection of all the dead, 998 resurrection of the flesh signifies, 990 rising, 997 Transfiguration of Christ as a sign of man’s resurrection, 556 as a work of the Most Holy Trinity, 989 Retribution, Divine (eternal) , 1021‑22, 2016 Return. See Advent; Consummation; Expectation Revelation as enlightenment about religious and moral truths, 38 external arguments of faith in, 156 faith as a response to, 142‑43, 150, 176, 1814 as the fruit of inspiration of the Holy Spirit, 105 God’s Revelation expressed in human tongues, 101 human understanding of, 157‑58 leads to a deeper understanding of the laws of social living, 2419 made to the little ones, 544 man’s capacity of accepting, 35, 36 necessity of, 74, 1960 no further revelation is to be expected, 66‑67 Old and New Testaments as true, 129 as the pre‑eminent way to knowing God, 50 “Private” revelations, 67 purpose and goal of, 52, 68 is realized gradually, 53, 69 Sacred Scripture and Tradition flow from, 80‑83, 124 arguments of Revelation of creation, 287, 337 of the Decalogue, 2060, 2071 of the divine plan of salvation, 50‑51 of God’s mercy to sinners, 1846 of man as God’s image, 1701, 2419