Catechism of the Catholic Church

842 Index of Mary’s virginity, 502 of the new heaven and new earth, 1048 of the reality of sin, 386‑90 of the resurrection of the dead, 992 of the ultimate truth—i.e., of Jesus Christ, 124 Revelation in the History of Salvation in Abraham, 59 after the fall, 55 in Israel, 60‑64, 72 in Jesus Christ, 65‑67, 73 in Noah, 56‑58, 71 to our first parents, 54, 70 from the very beginning, 54, 70 Revelation of God, 51‑67 in the Decalogue, 2059, 2070‑71 the Father, 151, 238‑42, 2779 God’s name, 203‑14, 2143 God’s omnipotence, 272 the Holy Spirit, 243‑48, 687‑88 to Israel, 2085 as the One and only God, 201‑02 the Son, 152, 438, 647‑48, 651 the Trinity, 237, 732 way of Christ as consummation of, 561 way of Christ as Revelation of the Father, 516 transmission of Revelation through the apostles and through the Gospels, 75‑76 through the bishops, 77 through the Church, 78‑79, 82 Sacred Scripture and Tradition as two distinct modes of, 81‑82 Riches freedom of heart with respect to riches as necessary for entering the Kingdom, 2544, 2556 happiness and, 1723 immoderate passion for, 2536 love for the poor and love of, 2445 Right(s) to act in conscience and in freedom, 1782, 1907 action of resisting the laws of a violent authority, 2243 actions contrary to fundamental, 2242, 2414, 2424 actions contrary to the rights of nations, 2313, 2328 of the baptized, 1269 of children, 2378 to choose a profession and state of life, 2230 to choose a school for one’s children, 2229 the Church and defense of its fundamental, 2420, 2458 Church ministers have the right to support, 1807, 1882, 1889, 2237, 2306, 2407 civil divorce and ensuring legitimate, 2383 to discontinue medical procedures, 2278 to economic initiative, 2429 economic life and defense of, 2430‑31 to educate children, 2221 to enjoy the goods of the earth, 360 equality among men and their, 1935, 1944‑45 to evangelize all men, 848, 900 to freedom, 1738, 1747 to immigrate, 2241 information from the media and respect for, 2492, 2494, 2498 to knowing and revealing the truth, 2488‑89, 2494, 2508, 2512 to a legitimate defense, 1909, 2265‑66, 2308, 2310, 2321 to life, 2264, 2270, 2273, 2322 man’s right to be instructed in the divine precepts, 2037 natural law as the basis of fundamental, 1956, 1978, 2070, 2273 political, 2237 political regimes contrary to human, 1901 to private property, 2211, 2401, 2403, 2406, 2452 public authorities and the rights of the person, 1907, 2254, 2273 recognition of, 2270, 2273 to regulate the production and sale of arms, 2316 to religious freedom, 2104‑09 to respect, 2479 science and technical art in the service of fundamental, 2294, 2375 of social justice, 1943 state based on law, 1904, 2273 to voice criticism of those in authority, 2238 to vote, 2240