Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 843 Rites different rites in the universal Church, 1201, 1203, 1208 funeral ( see Deceased) modification of, 1125 of the sacraments, 1131 ( see also individual sacraments ) See also Liturgy; Tradition Rosary , 971, 2678, 2708 Sabbath as the end of the work of six days, 345 at the heart of the Law of Israel, 348 Jesus’ teaching concerning, 582 rest and holiness of, 2168‑73, 2189 Sunday as fulfillment of, 2175‑76, 2190 Sacrament(s) are efficacious, 1127 as actions of the Holy Spirit at work, 1116 baptized person’s right to receive, 1269 Christ’s presence in, 1088, 1127, 1509 the Church as, 747, 774‑76, 780, 1045, 1108, 1140 definition and significance of, 774, 1084, 1131 the Eucharist as the “Sacrament of sacraments,” 1211, 1324, 1374 foundations of the sacraments in the life of Christ, 1115 as God’s “masterworks” in the New Covenant, 1116 instituted by Christ, 1114 necessary for salvation, 1129 number of, 1113, 1117 as “powers that come forth” from the body of Christ, 1116 prefigured in the signs of the Old Covenant, 1150 purposes of, 1123, 1680 the sacramental economy, 1076 touch all the stages of natural life, 1210 which are not to be repeated, 698 the Word of God necessary for the, 1122, 1133 See also individual sacraments the Blessed sacrament adoration and worship of, 1178, 1183, 1418, 2691 Christ’s real presence in, 1374 doctrine of the sacraments of Christ, 1114‑16 of the Church “through her” and “for her,” 1117‑21 communicate the grace of salvation signified by them, 1127‑29 of the faith which feed, strengthen, and express the faith, 1122‑26 prefigure the future glory of eternal life, 1130 ecclesial dimension of the sacraments as bonds of the Church, 815 “of the Church,” “through her,” and “for her,” 1118 communicate the riches of Christ to all members, 947 communion of sacraments binds us to Christ, 950 give growth and healing to the members of Christ, 798 importance of sacraments in liturgical catechesis, 1074‑75 sacramental mission of the Church, 738‑40, 1132 as signs of God’s forgiveness, 2839 as the way of Christian initiation, 1212, 1275, 1425, 1533 effects of the sacraments act ex opere operato , 1128 assist healing, 1420‑21 communicate the Holy Spirit to the members of Christ’s body, 739 confer a sacramental “character” or sign, 698, 1121 effect the grace signified by them, 1084, 1127, 1131 establish the unity of Christians, 1126 forgive sins, 977, 987 give sacramental grace, 2003 Holy Orders and Matrimony as sacraments directed toward the salvation of others, 1534‑35 make Christians “children of God,” 1692 sustain and strengthen those who are on the way to holiness, 1133, 2030 unite us to Christ, 790, 950 Sacramental. See nouns that it modifies