Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 845 and the Virgin Mary, 964 whole priestly ministry draws its power from, 1566 Sacrilege , 2118, 2120, 2139 Sadness in envy, 2539‑40, 2553 as an impediment to prayer, 2728 as a principal passion, 1772 as salutary in conversion of the heart, 1431 Saint(s) communion with, 957 the Church as communion of, 946‑59, 960‑62, 1331 the Church’s holiness shines in, 867 as examples of holiness, 2030 intercession of, 956, 2683 memorials of, 1173, 1195 name of saint as a baptismal name, 2156 proper of saints in the liturgical year, 1172 sacred images of, 1161 significance of canonizing, 828 as source and origin of renewal in the Church, 828 value of the good works of, 1477 veneration of, 61 Salvation all need salvation, 588 angels as messengers of the divine plan of, 331‑32 Baptism necessary for, 1256‑57, 1277 Christ’s coming for man’s, 456‑57, 519, 1019 Church as the universal instrument and sacrament of, 776, 780, 816 comes from God alone, 169, 620 and the communion of saints, 1477 ecclesial ministry for man’s, 874 “economy of salvation,” 1066 everything is ordained for man’s, 313 gift of salvation presented through Christ, 1811 God desires the salvation of all men in the truth, 851 God opens the way to man’s, 54, 56, 218, 431, 781, 1058, 2575 help for salvation of the soul, 95 hope of, 2091 hope of salvation in Israel, 64 human freedom and, 1739‑42 importance of moral decisions for, 1696 Is there salvation without Baptism? 1259, 1261 man needs, 1949, 2448 means of, 830, 980 mission of salvation in the work of priests, 1565 observance of the natural law necessary for, 2036 Paul contrasts the universality of sin with the universality of, 402 of the person and society bound up with conjugal happiness, 1603, 2250 prayer for, 2744 sacraments are necessary for, 1129 Sacred Scripture for man’s, 107, 122 sacrifice of the Cross for man’s, 600‑02, 617 saving one’s own soul, 1889 service of and witness to the faith necessary for, 1816 Virgin Mary cooperated in human, 511, 969 work of salvation impeded by the Evil One, 2851 Salvation history angels in, 332 beginning of, 280, 1080 Israel in, 431 Jesus as the recapitulation of, 430, 668 liturgy and events in, 1103 Sanctification of the Church as the mission of the Holy Spirit, 767 the Church for sanctification of men, 824, 827 of day and night in the Liturgy of the Hours, 1174 elements of sanctification outside the Catholic Church, 819 grace as a source of the work of man’s, 1999, 2001 “Hallowed be thy name,” 2807‑15, 2858 the Holy Spirit sent to bring about all, 2818 human work as an instrument of, 2427 justification as, 1989, 1995 liturgy for man’s, 1070