Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 847 Selfishness charity as a way to overcome, 1931 education against, 1784 hope preserved from, 1818 marriage as a help to overcome, 1609 regulation of births and, 2368 Sense(s) of faith, 91‑93, 785, 889 good popular, 1676 involving sense in interior prayer, 2702 moral, 1954 of our life, 282 religious, 1676 of the sacred, 2144 of Scripture, 115‑19 Separation of spouses , 2383 . See also Divorce Sermon on the Mount God’s law in the, 577, 1965‑66, 1968 as a spiritual guide and text for meditation, 1454, 1724, 1966 teaching and commandments in, 2153, 2262, 2336, 2608, 2830 Servant deacon as servants of all, 1570 ministers of the Church as servant of God, 876 parable of the merciless, 2843 Servant, Christ as of all, 786 of God fully obedient to Him, 539, 615 redemptive mission of the suffering, 440, 601 Service of angels, 333 authority as, 2235 civil, 2311 deacons as ministers ordained for, 1569‑70, 1596 family’s service as ministry to life, 1653 interdependence of creatures and, 340 of lay people in the ecclesial community, 910 liturgy as service of God, 1069‑70 of one’s country, 2239, 2310 rendered to civil authorities and to God, 2242 as a way to follow Christ, 852 Sexuality affects all aspects of the human person, 2332, 2362 chastity and, 2337, 2395 commandment pertaining to, 2336 concerns the capacity to love, 2332 dignity of, 2362 disordered, 2351‑57, 2380, 2388‑90 diversity and complementarity of the sexes, 369‑73, 1605, 2333 equal dignity of man and woman, 369, 2334, 2393 fertility and, 2370 importance of the conjugal union, 2335 integration of sexuality in the human person and chastity, 2337 man is created male and female, 355, 383 modesty and chastity, 2522 significance of sexuality in marriage, 2360‑63 See also Marriage Sheol , 633 Shepherds of the Church bishops as, 862, 939, 1558 chosen and commissioned by Christ, 816, 1575 laity offers help to, 900‑01 offices of, 801, 857, 1551, 1632, 2033, 2038, 2663 pastor as shepherd of the parish, 2179 pastoral office of Peter and the apostles, 881 Sick care and service of, 2186, 2405 “Heal the sick” as a commandment of Jesus, 1506‑10 Jesus and the healing of, 699, 1503‑06 in the Old Testament, 1502 the sacred anointing of, 1511, 1516, 1519 as a sign of the presence of Jesus, 1373 See also Anointing of the Sick Sign(s) anointing as, 695, 1293‑94 blood as, 2260