Catechism of the Catholic Church

848 Index bread and wine as, 1333‑36, 1412 the Church as, 775 dove as, 701 interpreting the signs of the times, 1788 Jesus’ sign of contradiction, 575 laying on of hands as, 699, 1507 liturgical, 1149, 1161, 1189 of the Old Covenant, 1150 for perceiving and expressing spiritual realities, 1146‑48 in sacramentals, 1667‑68 the Sign of the Cross, 2157 song and music as signs in the liturgy, 1157‑58 taken up by Christ, 1151 water as, 694 See also Symbols Signs, in the sacraments of Baptism, 628, 694, 1235, 1238, 1241, 1243 of Confirmation, 695, 1293‑1301 of Holy Orders, 1574 sacraments as, 1084, 1123, 1130‑31, 1152 Silence adoration and respectful silence before God, 2628 prayer as a “symbol of the world to come,” 2717 Simony , 2118, 2121 Simplicity God’s, 202 of prayer, 2589, 2713, 2778 Sin(s) of the angels, 392‑93 in the Church, 827 concupiscence leads us into sin, 978 definition of, 1849‑50 as the gravest evil, 1488 love is stronger than, 2844 man’s strong bond to God and the knowledge of, 286‑88 original ( see Original sin) reality of, 385‑87 responsibility of one who cooperates in the sins of others, 1868 root of, 1853 Satan as the cause of, 2852 ways to uproot, 943 See also Original sin capital sins as generators of other sins, 1866 “Sins which cry to heaven,” 1867 consequences of sin loss of communion with God, 761, 1472 eternal life, 1472 man’s likeness to God, 705 murder of the Son of God, 312 punishments of, 1472‑73 struggle between the spirit and the flesh, 2516 unhealthy attachment to creatures, 1472 vice and perverse inclinations, 1426, 1865 weakened life of the Christian, 1420 weakened life of the sinner, 1459 distinguishing sins according to gravity, 1854 by their objects, 1853 interpretations of sin death entered the history of humanity, 400, 1006, 1008 detrimental to human communion, 761, 953 man abuses his God‑given freedom, 1739 moral evil entered the world, 311, 1869 offense against God, 431, 1850 personal act, 1868 rejection of God, 398 schisms, heresies, apostasies, 817 “Social sin,” 1869 threats to Church unity and communion, 814, 1440 work of the flesh, 1852 liberation from sin Baptism frees from, 977‑78, 985, 1213, 1237, 1263‑64 Christ brings about the forgiveness of, 987, 1741 “expiation for our sins,” 457, 604 the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world,” 523, 536, 608