Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 849 made satisfaction to the Father for our, 615, 1708 Christ’s offering for liberation from the sins of man, 606‑18 divine law, a help to those who have been wounded by, 1949 freeing of man from, 211, 549, 1989‑90, 1999, 2057, 2097 God did not abandon man to the power of death, 410‑11, 1609 God “made him to be sin for us,” 602‑03 interior penance as a way to overcome, 1431 only God can forgive, 270, 277, 430‑31, 1441 prayer lest we take the way that leads to, 2846 violence and the many forms of sin manifested in Christ’s passion, 1851 ways to obtain the forgiveness of, 1434‑39 See also Penance and Reconciliation mortal sins conditions of complete consent, 1859 grave matter, 1858 full knowledge, 1859 consequences of, 1855, 1861 death in, 1033, 1035 distinction between mortal and venial, 1854 eternal punishments reserved for the one who dies in, 1033 forgiveness of mortal sins in perfect contrition, 1452, 1856 “He who does not love remains in death,” 1033 imputability of the offense, 1860 sacramental forgiveness of sins anointing of the sick and, 1520 authority and power to bind and loose sins, 553, 976, 1441‑45, 1461 confessing sins according to the precept of the Church, 2042 confession and absolution, 1424 as the effect of justification, 2018 love of God as the cause for, 734 purification from the punishments for sins, 1475 and reconciliation with the Church, 1443 sacraments of, 1421, 1486, 1520 See also Penance and Reconciliation various sins against faith, 2088‑89 against hope, 2091 anger, 2302 blasphemy, 2148 blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, 1864 envy, 2539 failure to participate in the Eucharist on days of obligation, 2181 hatred, 2303 homicide, 2268 lying, 2484 malice, 1860 sacrilege, 2120 sexual acts outside of marriage, 2390 venial sins conditions of matter, knowledge, and consent, 1862 confession of, 1458 consequences of, 1863 ways of sinning against God’s love, 2094 of thought, word, deed, and omission, 1853 Sinner(s) to acknowledge oneself as a, 208, 827, 1697, 2677, 2839 all men “were made sinners,” 402 effects of the sacrament of Penance upon, 1423, 1468‑70 every sinner as the author of Christ’s passion, 598 God’s mercy towards, 1465, 1846 Jesus invites, 545, 588 Jesus’ mercy towards, 589, 1443 and the just in the Church, 827 justification of, 1994 Last Judgment of, 1038 penance must be done by, 1459 power to forgive, 979, 1444 purification of, 1475 ways of reconciliation of, 1449 Slander. See Calumny