Catechism of the Catholic Church

850 Index Slavery enslavement of human beings is forbidden, 2414 God saves Israel from the slavery of Egypt, 62, 2061 Jesus frees men from slavery of sin, 549, 601, 635, 1741 liberation from slavery of sin, 2057, 2097, 2744 of sin, 407, 421, 1733 Sloth as a capital vice, 1866 spiritual, 2094 See also Acedia Socialization , 1882‑83 Societies of apostolic life , 930 Society charity as the greatest social commandment, 1889, 1939 Christian purity and the social climate, 2525 the Church as the leaven of, 854 common good and, 1905‑12, 1924, 1927 communications media and, 2493‑99 conditions for the development of, 2441 decalogue brings social and religious life into unity, 2069 definition of, 1880 divorce as a plague on, 2385 family as the original cell of social life, 2207 fourth commandment illuminates relations in, 2212 human person as the principle, subject, and end of, 1881, 1892, 1929, 2459 interdependence between the human person and, 2344 just hierarchy of values in, 1886‑87, 1895 legitimate defense of, 2266 lying as destructive to all, 2486 necessity of social life, 1879, 1886, 1891 participation in social life, 1882, 1893 political community and the Church, 2244‑46, 2257 progress of society and the growth of the Reign of God, 2820 relations between societies and the state, 1883, 1885 right to true information in, 2494, 2512 social changes and inner conversion, 1888 doctrine of the Church, 2198, 2419‑25 justice and the common good, 1928, 1943 life must be organized, 2442 order, 2032 question, 1896, 2438, 2459 “social sin,” 1869 “society of law,” 1904 vision of man in, 2244, 2257 well‑being of, 1603, 2250 See also Life: social authorities, 1897‑1904, 1918‑23 diverse and free forms of regimes, 1884, 1901 God entrusts to every creature the functions of which it is capable, 1884 legitimate exercise of, 1921 necessity and role of authorities in society, 1897‑98 obedience to and respect for, 1899, 2234 obligation of defending and safeguarding the freedom of information, 2498 duties of citizens, 2238‑43, 2255‑56 building up society, 2255 collaborating with the civil authorities for the good of society, 2239 communicating true information, 2495 giving due honor to, 1900 paying taxes, exercising the right to vote, defending one’s country, 2240 refusing to obey the directives of authorities contrary to conscience, 2242 resisting the oppression of political power, 2243 taking an active part in public life, 1915 welcoming the foreigner, 2241 duties of society concern for the health of its citizens, 2288 duty of religion and the right to religious freedom, 2104‑05