Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 857 for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven, 922, 1618‑20 Virgin Mary. See Mary Virtue catechesis of human and Christian, 1697 charity as the origin and form of all, 25, 2346 chastity as a, 2337, 2341, 2345, 2347, 2349 definition of, 1803‑04, 1833 education in, 1784, 2223 as a gift of Baptism, 1266 and gifts of the Holy Spirit, 1831 Holy Spirit at work through the, 798 human virtue elevated by grace, 1810‑11 obstacles in the exercise of the, 1863, 2284 solidarity as, 1942, 1948 truth as, 2468‑69 See also individual virtues gifts of the Holy Spirit definition of, 1830 fruit of, 1832 seven gifts of, 1831 human virtues cardinal virtues play a pivotal role, 1805 definition of human virtues, 1804, 1834 fortitude, 1808, 1837 justice, 1807, 1836 moral, 1266, 1804, 1839 prudence, 1806, 1835 purified and elevated by grace, 1810‑11 temperance, 1809, 1838, 2290 theological virtues charity, 1822‑29, 1844 definition and role of, 1812‑13, 1840‑41 faith, 153, 1814‑16, 1842 hope, 1817‑21, 1843, 2090 Vision of God beatific, 1028, 1045 dead and, 1032 as extreme beatitude, 2548 given to the “pure of heart,” 2519 God calls men to His vision as to beatitude, 1720 Hell as deprivation of, 633 Vocation of Abraham, 762 to chastity, 2337‑59 of children must be respected and fostered, 1656, 2226, 2232 to the Christian apostolate, 863 of Christians must be fulfilled in the Church, 2030 to communion with God, 27, 44 communitarian character of the human, 1878‑85 to cooperation with God in creation, 307 to divine beatitude, 1700, 1703, 1716‑24 to divine worship and to the service of the Church, 1121 to enter the Kingdom, 543 to establish the new People of God, 804, 831 to eternal life, 1998, 2820 evangelical counsels and personal, 1974 holiness and the Gospel as vocation of all the disciples of Christ, 1533, 1962 of humanity, 1877 Israel’s vocation perfectly fulfilled by Jesus, 539 of the laity, 898‑900, 2442 to life in the Holy Spirit, 1699 to love, 1604, 2331, 2392 man is called to union with Christ, 521, 542 of a man and a woman in God’s plan, 373 to manifest God, 2085 man’s vocation final, 1260 fulfilled by life in the Holy Spirit, 1699 fulfilled with society’s help, 1886 revealed by Christ, 1701 to marriage, 1603‑04, 1607, 2331 Mary’s, 490 men are called to resemblance of the union and fraternity of the divine Persons, 1878 of men that they may become adopted children of God, 1 to parenthood, 2369 priestly, 1583