Catechism of the Catholic Church

876 Glossary addressed by the Church’s social doctrine (2426, 2430). ECONOMY OF SALVATION (DIVINE ECONOMY): From a Greek word ( oikonomia, literally “management of a household” or “stewardship”) which refers to God’s revelation and communication of himself to the world in time for the sake of the salvation of all humanity; hence, the economy of salvation (258, 1066). The Fathers of the Church distinguished oikonomia from theologia ; the latter term refers to the mystery of the internal life of the Trinity (236). The economy of salvation, on the other hand, refers to God’s activity in creating and governing the world, particularly with regard to his plan for the salvation of the world in the person and work of Jesus Christ, a plan which is being accomplished through his Body the Church, in its life and sacraments; hence, the “sacramental economy” (1076, 1093). ECUMENICAL COUNCIL: See Council, Ecumenical. ECUMENISM: Promotion of the restoration of unity among all Christians, the unity which is a gift of Christ and to which the Church is called by the Holy Spirit. For the Catholic Church, the Decree on Ecumenism of the Second Vatican Council provides a charter for ecumenical efforts (816, 820-822). ENCYCLICAL: A pastoral letter written by the Pope and sent to the whole Church and even to the whole world, to express Church teaching on some important matter. Encyclicals are expressions of the ordinary papal magisterium (cf. 892). ENVY: Resentment or sadness at another’s good fortune, and the desire to have it for oneself. One of the seven capital sins, envy is contrary to the tenth commandment (2539). EPARCHY: See Diocese. EPICLESIS: The prayer petitioning God to send the Holy Spirit so that the offerings at the Eucharist may become the Body and Blood of Christ and thus the faithful, by receiving them, may themselves become a living offering to God. In every sacrament, the prayer asking for the sanctifying power of God’s Holy Spirit is an “epiclesis” (1105, 1127). EPIPHANY: The feast which celebrates the manifestation to the world of the newborn Christ as Messiah, Son of God, and Savior of the world. The feast of Epiphany celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the wise men ( magi ) from the East, together with his baptism in the Jordan and the wedding feast of Cana in Galilee (528; cf. 535). EPISCOPAL/EPISCOPATE: Pertaining to the office of bishop (Greek: episkopos ), hence episcopal consecration, the episcopal college, episcopal conferences (883, 887, 1557). “Episcopate” is a collective noun referring to all those who have received sacramental ordination as bishops. EREMITICAL LIFE: The life of a hermit, separate from the world in praise of God and for the salvation of the world, in the silence of solitude, assiduous prayer, and penance (920).