V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 93 • Identify and share successful practices at the diocesan and national levels to strengthen unity. The different charisms of the various movements are an effective means to reach and call those who have left the Church in different segments of the population. Offer opportunities to improve integration, collaboration and ministerial unity (i.e. movement meetings). • Procure the periodic accompaniment of spiritual directors for each of the ecclesial movements, promoting unity and transparency in the processes and providing support through prayer, presence, and wisdom in decision-making. If needed, train spiritual directors (priests, deacons, religious, and laity) in discernment, accompaniment, generosity, and humility. IV. Successful and Exemplary Practices • Recognize and support the tremendous work done by the movements for the mission of the Church, especially in outreach to the peripheries. • Promote a close collaboration between the diocesan offices of evangelization, catechesis, and Hispanic ministry with the leadership of the movements to develop a pastoral de conjunto in the evangelizing task of the Church. • Create a diocesan council of ecclesial movements that works on integration, collaboration, formation, events, and advocacy to strengthen the ecclesial movements present in the diocese. • Work with the leaders and members of ecclesial movements for the sustenance and support of priestly and religious vocations in their homes. • Establish guidelines for the pastoral accompaniment of ecclesial movements and the formation of those who serve in them, especially for the orderly transition of coordination, clarity in finances, conflict management, and safe environment practices. • Encourage and support the movements to take the initiative in reaching out to family and friends through evangelization in daily life. This begins by leading an abundant sacramental life and full participation in the life and mission of the parish community. • Provide training to the movements through: parish formation programs; training courses for small ecclesial communities or within the movement itself; and formation offered by the diocese. • Help the movements to identify ways to improve communication and promote their group activities. • Instill within the movements an understanding of themselves as parish builders. • Believe in and trust the laity to do God’s work. • Promote in dioceses the creation of ministerial centers for ecclesial movements in which they can collaborate, serve, and evangelize to keep the faith alive as true evangelizing disciples. • Create a national office for ecclesial movements that works on integration, collaboration, training, and advocacy for the movements. • Follow up with the newly evangelized to strengthen their Christian roots and accompany their formation into pastoral leaders able to do ministry at the parish or diocesan level. • Establish reasonable terms for the preparation and rotation of leaders responsible for the movements. • The Life in the Spirit Seminars and similar initiation retreats are excellent ways to evangelize. V. Resources The following resources were recommended by presenters and participants of the V National Encuentro : • Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Catharines (Canada) – Office of Evangelization, Lay Associations and Ecclesial Movements: Criteria, 2010. Ministerial Area Sessions