V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

96 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry 7. EVANGELIZATION AND MISSION I. Vision The call tomissionary discipleship is at the heart of the V Encuentro . The whole Church has received this mission to evangelize, thereby collaborating with Jesus Christ in this salvific service to the world. Just as the Apostles were sent to proclaim the Gospel, the V Encuentro has prepared and sent many thousands of Catholics to evangelize the Hispanic/Latino community and beyond. This great mission requires the communion and participation of all, united by God’s love to live in and deliver the transforming power of his truth. The mission of the Church is universal: towards all people, at all times, for all, and with all the power of God. II. Social and Religious Context in Hispanic Ministry • Not all parishes and dioceses are equipped with the culturally competent pastoral ministers and well- formed lay leaders required to initiate or strengthen the evangelization of Hispanic/Latino communities, although some have been exemplary models in their efforts. • The ecclesial movements and their charisms have a strong impact on the evangelization of the Latino faithful, but there is often a need to build bridges and strengthen ties with parishes. • Renewal of evangelization in the spirit of Evangelii Gaudium is needed and will require formation, thoughtful planning, and materials designed for Hispanics/Latinos. • There is a great need to identify and train lay leaders to go on a mission to the peripheries, give more impetus to social action, and create welcoming communities. • Many parishes have leaders who are not prepared to serve the Hispanic community, resulting in a perceived lack of respect, pastoral structures, and leadership. These become obstacles to effective evangelization. Priests are especially needed who have a calling and appropriate formation to celebrate the sacraments with and accompany the Hispanic community. • Hispanic/Latino families face many impediments to their full participation in the evangelizing mission of the Church, such as: lack of time from working two jobs; immigration issues; lack of transportation; economic and educational inequality; and a need for greater catechetical and ecclesiological formation. III. Top Recommendations from the National Encuentro • Constant, effective, and updated formation in the spiritual, human, and pastoral areas for mission; to know the principles of mission and evangelization. • Strengthen the family as a promoter of evangelization and mission. • Prioritize the formation and accompaniment of young people as missionary disciples, starting with children and providing progressive formation and mentorship for youth and young adults. IV. Successful and Exemplary Practices • Train leaders to go out to the peripheries to encounter people on the margins and respond to their pastoral needs, with both theoretical and practical principles of evangelization. • Train more priests for Hispanic ministry with language studies, cultural awareness, religious devotions and practices, and effective practices for evangelization and pastoral accompaniment. • Analyze social services in the community and develop partnerships to address local needs. • Train people to visit the sick, the elderly, and the home-bound, and to connect them to other social services. Ecclesial movements could be especially effective at this as an expansion of the outreach they already provide. Ministerial Area Sessions