V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

102 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry • During children’s sacramental prep, provide ongoing faith formation for parents to support their responsibility as the primary educators of their children. • Provide frequent reminders or even workshops on the importance of family dinners and family prayer. • Create opportunities for married couples and for intergenerational families to encounter Jesus Christ together. • Celebrate devotions (Marian, patronal feasts, etc.) that connect families to their country of origin. • Pay attention to language needs: provide access to worship and formation in Spanish for those who desire it and create opportunities for faith formation in English or bilingual settings. • Make the parish a doorway to healing in all its dimensions: physical, spiritual, psychological, and moral. • Create groups of support and accountability for men to help them fulfill their role in family and community. • Identify and implement ways to strengthen the partnership between the parish church and the domestic church in forming missionary disciples of Jesus Christ. • Foster a missionary spirit in families through a formation that is comprehensive and attentive to: » » Processes of formation: Kerygma, Conversion, Discipleship, Communion, and Mission » » Dimensions of formation: Human, Spiritual, Intellectual, and Pastoral • Address the contemporary wounds and temptations that hinder God’s design for human flourishing and undermine family life, such as: contraception, pornography, sexual promiscuity, cohabitation, substance abuse, domestic violence, sexual abuse, etc. • Provide services and advocate to address issues that impact family well-being such as poverty, immigration, and access to employment opportunities with living wages for a family. • Integrate married couples and families fully into the community of believers, providing multiple ways for them to connect and participate in the life and mission of the parish. • Couples and families that exemplify a strong faith life in their homes can serve their brothers and sisters by offering support, fellowship, and mentorship, starting with a focus on praying together. • Marriage preparation and mentorship: offer human, intellectual, spiritual, and moral preparation—a type of ‘catechumenate’ for the married life that extends into the first year(s) after the wedding. Mentor couples can witness to the truth and beauty of love in a relationship. V. Resources The following resources were recommended by presenters and participants of the V National Encuentro : • Witness and testimony for couples and families through ecclesial movements, such as: » » Movimiento Familiar Cristiano » » Apostolado de La Cruz » » Encuentro Matrimonial » » Retrouvaille » » Emmaus Retreats • Iglesias Domésticas ( https://www.iglesiasdomesticas.com/ ). • National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers ( http://nacflm.org/ ). • National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, Fortaleciendo Familias en la Fe – A parish workshop. • Instituto Fe y Vida, Educar Educándonos Series including Manual para la formación cristiana de la sexualidad and Educación para el éxito académico de los hijos, 2016 and forthcoming. Ministerial Area Sessions