V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

108 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry III. Top Recommendations from the National Encuentro • Develop a methodology to identify Hispanic professionals in parishes, dioceses, and communities and find ways to connect these individuals and families together in a network for mutual support. • Develop holistic mentorship strategies/programs for Hispanic professionals, encompassing their spiritual, educational, professional, and emotional well-being, with a strong component of social action. • Provide accompaniment and guidance on how to make the values of the Gospel take root in one’s work/ profession, in caring for others, in providing just salaries, and fostering professional ethics. This can be done through homilies, workshops, support groups, or in pastoral relationships. IV. Successful and Exemplary Practices • Build social networks with Latino professionals in the community to support the ministries of the church, especially youth ministry. Hispanic professionals can make presentations, encourage them, and serve as role models to move forward in faith and hope. • Pastors should consult within the community to identify Hispanic Catholic professionals, develop a relationship with them, and open the door for them to serve the community either professionally or informally on the basis of their expertise, skills, or life witness. • Initiate a conversation at the diocesan level on how to foster community groups, keep them on mission, ensure they develop local roots, and entrust them with service projects requested by the local Bishop. • Utilize mass media or the Internet to establish and promote networks of Latino Catholic professionals. For example, Latinos can access alternatives in radio and media for their daily inspiration, formation, information about community events, and local news to stay involved in important issues. V. Resources The following resources were recommended by presenters and participants of the V National Encuentro : • Tepeyac Leadership Initiative ( https://tliprogram.org/ ) is generating leaders with a solid Catholic identity and fostering their participation and service in local communities. • Society for Human Resource Management and Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, The Changing U.S. Workforce: The Growing Hispanic Demographic and the Workplace, 2016. • League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC - https://lulac.org/ ). • United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC - https://ushcc.com/ ). • En Familia Radio ( https://www.enfamiliamedios.org/ ). • Hispanic/Latino professional organizations for nearly every field—search for them online. • Timothy Matovina, “Public Catholicism” in Latino Catholicism: Transformation in America’s Largest Church, Princeton University Press, 2012. • TheCatholicAssociation of Latino Leaders (CALL - https://www.call-usa.org/ ), a national Catholic organization with local chapters. VI. Ministerial Area Team • Episcopal Moderators: Most Rev. Jaime Soto, Bishop of Sacramento; and Most Rev. Robert Brennan, Auxiliary Bishop of Rockville Centre. • Leader: Anthony Granado. • Panelists: Rodrigo Vela and Pereyra Cristofer. Ministerial Area Sessions