V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

110 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry • Access to knowledge: » » Illiteracy continues to be a significant and under-appreciated challenge in Hispanic communities. » » Lack of fluency in English limits opportunities for further education, work, and citizenship. » » Hispanic families don’t realize what they don’t know. Many go without social services because they are unaware of what is offered, or they lack understanding of the social systems in the United States—legal, educational, political, etc. » » To better transmit the Gospel, there is a need for more Spanish-speaking priests and formation programs in Spanish at all levels. » » Parents need assistance to be able to guide their children through the educational system. III. Top Recommendations from the National Encuentro • Strengthen the Hispanic/Latino family. Form families as a domestic church where members find a sense of belonging, experience respect for their human dignity, learn human and Christian values by example, and grow into their own autonomy and protagonism. • Make the Church more visible throughout the particular community in order to help people reach their potential and thrive. Then the community will also be more visible in the Church. • At the diocesan level, invest in creating or sustaining centers to meet the needs of the Hispanic community, including counseling and mentoring programs for parents. Promote a culture of collaboration and create partnerships between offices to offer more resources and programs. IV. Successful and Exemplary Practices • Accompany Latino families, the heart of the community, and provide programs and services to improve their well-being, such as occupational training, access to mental and physical health services, and holistic education according to their needs. • Implement protocols for an inclusive and welcoming response to people in the Hispanic/Latino community who identify as LGBTQ and their families. • Seek out and respond to the needs of the most forgotten members of the community, such as the elderly. • Join the efforts of organizations funded by the U.S. bishops through the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) which address issues of violence, employment, immigration, transportation, etc. • When programs and services become available in the parish, promote them far and wide. • Provide formation to parents—theology of the body; communication and mutual love as a couple; skills for parenting children at different ages and in the face of particular challenges, etc. • Partner with social service organizations to identify and comprehensively address the needs within the community for human development. V. Resources The following resources were recommended by presenters and participants of the V National Encuentro : • Catholic Health Association of the United States ( https://www.chausa.org/ ). • Network Advocates for Catholic Social Justice ( https://networkadvocates.org/ ). • USCCB and Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Social Teaching 101 ( http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and- teachings/what-we-believe/catholic-social-teaching/index.cfm ). Ministerial Area Sessions