V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 5 Utilizing the Proceedings and Conclusions in Dioceses, Parishes, Schools, and Communities T he V National Encuentro brought to the table insights from hundreds of thou- sands of conversations in small ecclesial communities, parishes, Encuentros at various levels, and encounters with Hispanics/Latinos in the peripheries. It would be impossible in a summary document such as this to include every perception flowing from the consul- tation and the missionary actions that took place throughout the V Encuentro process. Without a doubt, the Parish, Diocesan, and Regional Working Documents contain addi- tional details that are still valid for Hispanic ministry in each of their corresponding levels. Even so, this report represents a very useful tool—an instrument capable of shedding light and providing guidance for the devel- opment of pastoral responses to a myriad of situations that continue to challenge even the most experienced leaders and ministers in our Hispanic/Latino communities. PASTORAL CONVERSION AS THE KEY TO ECCLESIAL RENEWAL In his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis vibrantly describes three steps for ecclesial renewal that roughly correspond to the pastoral circle process of “see, judge, act.” In paragraph 24, he speaks about how the Church must engage in a process to enter into, understand, and respond to the lived reality of its own people and the broader situation of all people in the world. This is what it means for evangelizers to “take on the smell of the sheep.” ( EG 24) The V Encuentro process has been exem- plary in following the model set forth by the Holy Father to carry out this first step in the renewal process. In the second step of ecclesial renewal, Pope Francis calls the entire Church to examine itself. Quoting Pope Paul VI, he recalls: “This