V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 113 III. Top Recommendations from the National Encuentro • Create a national structure to serve as support and provide information, resources, and successful practices to the dioceses in the development of immigrant assistance and accompaniment in the parishes, in coordination with Catholic Charities and other service organizations. • Train leaders at the local parish level to be engaged in immigration ministry, so that they: » » Know what resources exist and how to access them; » » Accompany immigrant families and workers in their spiritual and material needs; » » Form parish groups that can share information and provide legal and family support; » » Connect with national Catholic networks to advocate for a just immigration reform that protects immigrant families and provides an earned pathway to citizenship. • Create a national rapid action network, where information about services, opportunities and threats to the migrant community is disseminated using existing resources such as Justice for Immigrants (JFI) and Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) . IV. Successful and Exemplary Practices • Create immigrant assistance centers in parishes and dioceses, with resources and staff training to respond to the needs of the immigrant community. • Support and promote the work of CLINIC, JFI, and migrant and refugee services at the diocesan/parish level. • Create a diocesan guide for Catholic organizations and institutions (parishes, schools, hospitals, Catholic Charities, etc.) that offer legal, emotional, spiritual, educational, and health support for immigrants. • Advocate for the bishops to clearly communicate and publicly champion the Church’s teaching on immigration reform. • Organize letter-writing, call-in campaigns, and advocacy days with congressional leaders in favor of immigrants and a comprehensive immigration reform. • Collaborate with faith leaders of other denominations to present a united voice in favor of immigration reform and to provide support to immigrants. • Identify immigrant leaders who are capable of exercising leadership in pastoral roles at all levels in the Church, and form, empower, and hire them. • Involve young people in the struggle for justice for immigrants, especially through social media. • Provide citizenship, GED, and ESL classes or be prepared to make referrals in the community. • Provide an open forum for immigrants and U.S.-born alike to share their stories and concerns, with a goal to humanize both sides in the debate and build community between immigrants and citizens, as well as to inform about the gifts brought to the community through immigration. 17 • Conduct voter registration drives and provide voter education workshops on the issues. • Conduct a continuing education workshop for priests/pastors to help them understand the issues in the light of Catholic Social Teaching and become better advocates and supporters of immigrants. 17 See for example Justice for Immigrants’ Faces of Migration ( https://justiceforimmigrants.org/faces-of-migration/stories-of- migration/ ). Ministerial Area Sessions