V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 119 • Initiate a regional campaign to write letters to draw the attention of elected officials on problems affecting immigrants and calling for a resolution that respects the dignity and rights of families, especially DREAMers, and to change anti-immigrant laws that limit access to employment, quality education, and avenues to escape poverty. • Mobilize the institutes of pastoral formation in the dioceses to prioritize the formation of faithful citizens who become agents of change in society, advocating for the rights of immigrants and those in the peripheries. • Coordinate with other dioceses in the region, and national organizations such as the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC), to share information about local lawyers and organizations that help in immigration matters and are able to offer workshops on changes in policy and their consequences for the undocumented. • Work with the diocesan offices of Hispanic ministry in each region to promote and strengthen participation in lobby days offered by each state Catholic conference and national advocacy efforts among Hispanics/Latinos. • Establish justice and peace ministries guided by Catholic Social Teaching in parishes, identifying unjust social situations and circumstances adversely impacting the Hispanic/Latino community. • Collaborate with partners outside the Church to develop and promote effective and concrete responses that put faith in action. This varies from diocese to diocese and requires leaders to be intentional about taking into consideration the context, resources, and collaboration available in their respective areas. • Accompany individuals in the community to places where they feel vulnerable (i.e. court, doctors, IRS, Social Security office, immigration, etc.). • Disseminate information through parish, diocesan, or regional guides on agencies that provide services related to material, physical, and spiritual needs. • Sponsor education and outreach efforts that train leaders, build community, and promote collaboration (i.e. forums, workshops, family ministry meetings, leadership training, Hispanic committee, catechetical formation for lay leaders, advocacy activities, etc.). V. Resources The following resources were recommended by presenters and participants of the V National Encuentro : • CELAM, Enseñanza de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia en la Universidad: Guía del Profesor, 2011. • Arturo Chavez, “Hispanic Ministry and Social Justice” in Hispanic Ministry in the 21 st Century: Present and Future, Convivium Press, 2010. • USCCB, Bilingual resources for the social mission ( http://usccb.org/about/justice-peace-and-human- development/fe-en-accion.cfm ). • USCCB, Two feet of Love in Action / Los dos pies del amor en acción ( https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=9iqA4fTn6ro ). • USCCB, We Are Salt and Light ( https://www.wearesaltandlight.org/ ). • USCCB and Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Social Teaching 101 – bilingual video series and guide ( https:// www.crs.org/resource-center/CST-101 ). • Pontifial Council for Justice and Peace, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church ( http://www. vatican.va/archive/index.htm ). Ministerial Area Sessions