V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

124 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry III. Top Recommendations from the National Encuentro • Promote a framework of leadership development and pastoral formation that addresses the whole person— human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral. • Allocate appropriate financial resources at the diocesan and parish levels for ministry formation and leadership development among Hispanic leaders. • Develop and implement attractive, comprehensive programs for the formation of leaders for pastoral ministry among Hispanic youth and young adults. • Develop resources to strengthen the family and support parents as the primary catechists and guides in the integral development of their children. IV. Successful and Exemplary Practices • Provide more adequate language and cultural awareness training for ordained and lay leaders in order to understand and attend to the diverse needs of Hispanic/Latino communities. • Start with evangelization and basic faith formation with a call to mission for all: » » Provide diverse opportunities for encounters with Christ among both clergy and laity. » » Promote local and diocesan commitments to “missionary discipleship” and forming a “Church that goes forth,” particularly as it relates to youth and young adult ministry. » » Integrate into every ministry a commitment to increased biblical literacy and Scriptural formation for all ages. » » Encourage preaching and delivery of reflections that are intergenerational, relevant to everyday life, and inspire a life of servant leadership. » » Strengthen formation in Catholic Social Teaching. » » Connect leadership development with the notion of missionary discipleship and evangelization that sends us out to the margins. • Recognize the need for institutional support and investment of resources at all levels for the development and formation of Hispanic/Latino leaders, both ordained and lay. • Highlight ministries in the diocese that are providing intentional and collaborative planning for formation and pastoral praxis. • Promote schools, diocesan/regional/national institutions, and universities offering high quality holistic formation in English and Spanish that integrates personal and pastoral formation in accord with Co- Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord . • Utilize or develop online formation in Spanish that takes into account diverse educational backgrounds. • Build on the V Encuentro as a model of evangelizing servant leadership and formation for ministry in the Church. • Form small ecclesial communities as spaces for growth in the faith and in leadership. • Develop and implement a plan for intercultural and intergenerational development in youth leadership. • At the diocesan level, utilize the FIP Handbook (see resource on the next page) to develop a formation process for lay ecclesial ministers to be formally prepared and officially certified for all parish and diocesan ministries. • Engage various apostolic movements to provide faith formation in parishes. • Promote models of acompañamiento as an essential element of Hispanic ministry. Ministerial Area Sessions