V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

130 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry • Establish ministries in migrant camps, traveling shows, truck stops, airports, and seafarer centers and ports, in collaboration with the corresponding national Catholic human mobility ministry associations. • Facilitate an Episcopal Encounter with the Bishop Promoters of the USCCB’s Subcommittee on Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees, and Travelers. • Establish annual regional, diocesan, or parish conferences on human mobility, with keynotes and sessions related to Hispanic/Latino ministries in migrant camps, traveling shows, truck stops, airports and seafarer ports. IV. Successful and Exemplary Practices • Promote the integration of migrant workers and their families in society and the Church. • Develop adaptable catechetical programs to serve and administer the sacraments in migrant communities. • Know the needs and the resources that exist to support migrants in your region and offer pastoral services, catechesis, and legal advice. • Find ways to collaborate with the Subcommittee on Pastoral Care for Migrants, Refugees, and Travelers of the USCCB, such as engaging bishop promoters and initiatives to support the migrant farmworker, traveling shows, and long-haul truck driver ministries. • Create a diocesan team to oversee the formation of parish teams to accompany migrant farmworkers so parishes with this population can provide pastoral services and promote formation for them and their families. • Form or participate in diocesan, inter-diocesan, regional, and national networks dedicated to serving migrant workers. • Share resources, experiences, and offer courses in collaboration with neighboring dioceses. • Hire a Diocesan Director of Migrant Ministry who can serve as the bridge between parishes and the migrant farmers. • Prepare and disseminate practical information for migrant farmers: schedules of Spanish masses, legal service agencies, and clinics that facilitate access to health services. • Offer special formation programs for sacramental preparation in the peripheries. • Organize clinics, schools, and other social services for the migrant community. • Work with the employers so that they can also promote the education of their workers and provide them resources. V. Resources The following resources were recommended by presenters and participants of the V National Encuentro : • Dicastery for Integral Development, Human Mobility Resources ( http://www.humandevelopment.va/en/ risorse/archivio/mobilita-umana.html ). • Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, Erga migrantes caritas Christi, 2004. • Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, Guidelines for the Pastoral Care of the Road, 2007. • The Region Eleven Commission on the Spanish Speaking ( https://www.facebook.com/XI.recoss/ ). • The Catholic Migrant Farmworker Network (CMFM - http://www.cmfwn.org/ ). • Thomas Florek, SJ, A Migrant Farmworker Ministry Leadership Formation Resource: Listen to the Lord in the Heart of the People, A Road to New Hispanic Leadership Narrative and Guide, 2015. Ministerial Area Sessions