V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 7 in their respective communities.” ( EG 33) It is that audacity and creativity that is required to complete the work of the V Encuentro, driven by the insights and recommendations borne of pastoral experience, and borrowing from the successful practices that others have already put into action—always guided by the promptings of the Holy Spirit, the pastoral wisdom of our bishops, clergy, religious, and lay ecclesial ministers, and in the company of our Mother Mary of Guadalupe, the Star of the New Evangelization in the Americas. AN OVERVIEW OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Before describing particular uses for this document in a variety of pastoral settings, it is important to understand that the report often refers to resources suggested by pre- senters and participants at the V National Encuentro on Hispanic/Latino Ministry. They are included here as a component of the con- sultation process, not as an endorsement by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. It is also helpful to understand clearly what is contained. The material is organized into six main sections: • Introductory comments and context. Pages 3 to 28 are designed to provide an orientation and context to both the V Encuentro and its conclusions. The wel- come letter from the USCCB invites pas- toral leaders everywhere to implement the conclusions at the local level. That is followed by this general orientation to interpreting and utilizing the document in a variety of pastoral settings. The process and methodology as well as a description of the V Encuentro as a model and guide for Hispanic ministry provide historical context, as well as outlining the mística, principles, vision, goals, objectives, themes, process, and major milestones of the V National Encuentro. • Structure, schedule, andplenary remarks. The subsequent five sections begin with an overview of the V Encuentro National Event schedule on page 29 and proceed to invite readers to enter into the experience of the V Encuentro process, with a special focus on the National Event. Within each of those sections, the schedule of the cor- responding moment in the National Event is followed by brief summaries of the main- stage addresses and homilies. The full text or video of these presentations can be found on the V Encuentro website: http:// www.vencuentro.org . • “Taking the First Step” – Echoes of the Encounters in the Peripheries. The material contained in the “Echoes of the Encounters in the Peripheries” on pages 37 to 43 is derived from the conversa- tions of hundreds of thousands of mis- sionary disciples in their evangelizing visits to the peripheries of their communi- ties. Those conversations were reported and summarized in the Parish, Diocesan, and Regional Working Documents throughout the V Encuentro process. The national-level summary presented here outlines the main needs, obstacles, chal- lenges, hopes, dreams, gifts, and talents expressed by the Hispanic/Latino people of the United States. Utilizing the Proceedings and Conclusions