V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 135 • Develop events or feedback structures for the Bishop to periodically listen to the concerns and hopes of the Latino young adults in his diocese. • Open the doors for Hispanic young adults to become an active part of the community, parish, and diocese. • Allow the Latino young adults to identify social concerns of justice and peace in the community (i.e. life issues, immigration, workplace concerns, crime and violence, etc.) and empower them to develop a response on behalf of the parish. • Focus the ministry with and by Hispanic/Latino young adults on evangelization and missionary discipleship within their own social environment and in the peripheries. This is what is most attractive and inspiring to them. • Engage Hispanic/Latino young adults in intentional efforts to build unity in diversity, especially in multicultural parishes; in this regard they can be role models for the whole parish community. • Communicate clearly and consistently the vision and mission of pastoral juvenil hispana to Church leaders. Never tire from advocacy efforts on behalf of this often-forgotten part of the Body of Christ. • Bishops could motivate and educate their pastors to open the door to Hispanic/Latino young adults in the lives of their parishes. • Engage Hispanic/Latino young adults in a serious and continuous reflection on God’s call in their lives, facilitating educational or formative opportunities, discernment retreats, and accompaniment to those who may be called to ordained ministry, the religious life, or a career of service as a lay minister in the Church. • Challenge the pastoral staff to move beyond “We have always done it this way” ( EG 33). It is through the building of bridges by Latino young adults that we will do so. • Contribute to developing of a comprehensive national pastoral plan for pastoral juvenil hispana that takes into consideration the present reality of our Hispanic young adults (social, economic, language, catechetical, educational, moral, needs, obstacles, gifts, opportunities, etc.). • Engage individuals whose skills and contributions will expand the capacity of our vision to be fulfilled, especially in terms of encountering, leading, welcoming, accompanying, building community, and opening doors. • Provide comprehensive formation on dating, marriage, and family life, grounded in the vision of the family as a domestic church and the teaching of Amoris Laetitia and the theology of the body. V. Resources The following resources were recommended by presenters and participants of the V National Encuentro : • National Catholic Network de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana – La RED ( http://www.laredpjh.org/ ). • La RED, Conclusiones: Primer Encuentro Nacional de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana, USCCB Publishing, 2008. • CELAM, Civilización del Amor, Proyecto y Misión: Orientaciones para la Pastoral Juvenil Latinoamericana, 2012. • Ken Johnson-Mondragón, “Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Ministry” in Hispanic Ministry in the 21 st Century: Present and Future, Convivium Press, 2010. • Hosffman Ospino, ed., Our Catholic Children: Ministry with Hispanic Youth and Young Adults, Our Sunday Visitor, 2018. • Instituto Fe y Vida ( http://www.feyvida.org/ and http://www.bibliaparajovenes.org/ ): provides a comprehensive leadership formation system, ministry resources, bibles and tools for Scripture study, evangelization materials, formation of parents, and advocacy for pastoral juvenil hispana. • Center for Ministry Development (CMD - https://www.cmdnet.org/ ). Ministerial Area Sessions