V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 141 • Opportunities to celebrate the Mass, learn about the sacraments, and share their faith through the daily study of Sacred Scripture. • Utilize resources that follow the liturgical year within the detention centers. • Advocate for a prison reform focused on the goal of reintegration into society upon release. • Promote existing programs, information, and trainings regarding restorative justice. V. Resources The following resources were recommended by presenters and participants of the V National Encuentro : Organizations • Capacitar International ( http://capacitar.org ). • Catholic Mobilizing Network ( http://catholicsmobilizing.org ). • Chrysalis Ministries ( http://chrysmin.org ). • Dismas Ministry ( http://dismasministry.org ). • Catholic Prison Ministries Coalition ( https://catholicprisonministries.org/ ). • Justice for Immigrants ( http://justiceforimmigrants.org ). • Kairos Prison Ministry ( http://kairosprisonministry.org ). • Kolbe Prison Ministries ( http://kolbeprisonministries.com ). Books and other materials • Dale S. Recinella, When We Visit Jesus in Prison: A Guide for Catholic Ministry. • Howard Zehr, El Pequeño Libro de la Justicia Restaurativa . • David Matzko McCarthy, Trudy D. Conway, and Vicki Schieber, eds., Redemption and Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Restorative Justice , and Where Justice and Mercy Meet: Catholic Opposition to the Death Penalty . • Petra Alexander and Gerardo Gomez, An Imprisoned Heart: Reflections for People Who Have Loved Ones in Prison (Corazón Prisionero). • USCCB, Responsibility, Rehabilitation, and Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice, 2000. • Catholic Mobilizing Network, Restorative Justice Small Group Modules ( http://catholicsmobilizing.org/ resource/small-group-modules ). VI. Ministerial Area Team • Episcopal Moderators: Most Rev. Mario Avilés, C.O., Auxiliary Bishop of Brownsville; and Most Rev. Eduardo Nevares, Auxiliary Bishop of Phoenix. • Co-Leaders: Rev. Michael Carson and Karen Clifton. • Panelists: Krisanne Vaillancourt Murphy, Petra Alexander, Dale Recinella, and Julio Escobar. Ministerial Area Sessions