V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

8 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry • “Getting Involved” and “Accom­ panying” – Insights from the Regional Sessions. On Friday of the V Encuentro National Event, delegates gathered for two sessions with peers from their own region to address four topics. In the first two, they discussed how Hispanics/Latinos themselves can get more involved to inspire missionary dis- cipleship throughout the Church and to take the lead in addressing the needs in their own communities. The last two were directed to identifying ways for the Church as a whole to prioritize outreach to the peripheries and the pastoral accom- paniment and integration of Hispanics/ Latinos in parishes and communities. The main perceptions and recommendations from these conversations are outlined on pages 45 to 63. • “Bearing Fruit” – Insights on Priorities and Ministerial Areas. Delegates at the V Encuentro National Event experienced the “Bearing Fruit” moment of the process on Saturday during two sessions in which they discussed the needs of Hispanic/ Latino communities in terms of Ministerial Areas they chose at registration, irrespec- tive of their region of origin. Pages 65 to 152 include a compilation of the personal commitments of the delegates to advance the mission of the Church in their com- munities, as well as their recommended pastoral responses for the top ten priority areas of ministry and a more detailed pre- sentation of the vision, context, priorities, exemplary practices, and resources for all 28 of the Ministerial Areas identified in the consultation. • “Rejoicing” and Appendixes. The Pro- ceedings and Conclusions document closes with the experiences from Sunday morning of the National Event, followed by a brief exhortation to go forth and build a culture of encuentro . The seven appen- dixes begin with a review of the organi- zational structure, naming the key leaders and institutions that shepherded the pro- cess at the national and regional levels, as well as identifying the committees that were formed and describing how they worked together to implement the pro- cess. The other appendixes provide addi- tional detail about Hispanic/Latino youth and young adults in the consultation; a profile of the participants, achievements, and demographics obtained through the V Encuentro process; important conclusions drawn from the delegates’ evaluation of the National Event; and a description of the early responses and prominent initia- tives flowing from the V Encuentro at the regional and national levels. UTILIZING THE PROCEEDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN VARIOUS SETTINGS The variety of ways to utilize the Proceedings and Conclusions will only be limited by the audacity and creativity of the delegates and pastoral leaders who are bringing the V Encuentro to fruition throughout the coun- try. The following suggestions are provided as a means to spur the creativity of everyone involved, and do not by any means represent an exhaustive “to do” list. Additional ideas may be found among the early responses and prominent initiatives described in Appendix G on page 213. Utilizing the Proceedings and Conclusions