V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 143 Latinas ages 15 to 44, compared with 6.6 abortions per 1,000 white women of the same age). 30 • In 2016, the percentage of Hispanics/Latinos without health insurance exceeded that of white people in every age category, whereas the percentage of white people with private insurance coverage exceeded that of Hispanics in every age category; see Appendix E on page 205 for the relevant chart. • The Hispanic/Latino community suffers from lower educational attainment and higher rates of drug or alcohol abuse, gang involvement, and suicidal thoughts and attempts. 31 III. Top Recommendations from the National Encuentro • Integrate formation on life issues into all faith formation initiatives: sacramental preparation, RCIA, marriage preparation, quinceañeras, seminary, etc. • Increase Hispanic leadership capacity on life issues through identifying, forming, equipping, funding, and supporting Hispanic leaders at all levels of the Church. • Develop a comprehensive approach for addressing end-of-life care through education, pastoral care, formation, outreach, and sacramental care. IV. Successful and Exemplary Practices • Coordinate efforts in dioceses and parishes to protect and defend human dignity from conception to natural death against everything that threatens human life. • Form young people and support parents to understand and discuss how to handle life issues as a family. • Instruct parents and children about human dignity, sexuality, self-care, and the appropriate use of technology, especially during sacramental preparation and quinceañeras. • Integrate into every formation opportunity the message of human dignity and how our faith calls us to protect it. » » Equip parents to address challenging situations like unexpected adolescent pregnancies or topics that may be difficult to address, such as sexuality, trafficking, gang violence, suicide, death penalty, the harmful effects of contraception, etc. » » Integrate age-appropriate formation into all preparation for sacraments and quinceañeras. • Collaborate with existing diocesan structures (i.e. pro-life offices) on formation, support, and public policy advocacy. • Coordinate resources and advocacy among Catholic institutions (i.e. hospitals, schools, Catholic Charities) and other social services. • Develop a diocesan-based healing ministry for those who have been involved in an abortion. • Identify or develop and promote the use of high-quality, easy-to-understand formation materials on life issues in English and Spanish. • Train leaders in bereavement ministries to support the terminally ill and their families. • Form support and study groups: for women who are alone; to understand the theology of the body, chastity, natural family planning, and healthy sexuality; to support ex-gang members and ex-offenders; to address domestic violence; etc. 30 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Surveillance Summaries , November 23, 2018 / 67(13). https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/67/ss/ss6713a1.htm . 31 Vincent Olea, “Ministry with Vulnerable Hispanic Youth” in Hosffman Ospino, ed., Our Catholic Children: Ministry with Hispanic Youth and Young Adults , Our Sunday Visitor, 2018. Ministerial Area Sessions