V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

144 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry • Provide formation to deacons, priests, and bishops on how to address the whole gamut of life issues and provide healing accompaniment to people who are dealing with the aftermath of poor choices. • Incorporate formation on life issues into youth and young adult ministries: end-of-life issues and assisted suicide; theology of the body; chastity; mental health; suicide prevention; anger management to prevent violence; care for the environment to mitigate or diminish natural disasters; racial reconciliation; the deadly effects of drugs and alcohol, etc. • Provide referrals to organizations that provide direct service to those who are in need, such as pregnancy care centers, maternity homes, Catholic Charities, etc. • Utilize social communications to provide support, education, and inspiration regarding life issues. V. Resources The following resources were recommended by presenters and participants of the V National Encuentro : • Carlos Carrillo and Carmen María Cervantes, Educación cristiana integral sobre la sexualidad: Un legado para siempre (“Integral Christian Sexual Education: A Legacy for All Time” – currently only available in Spanish), Instituto Fe y Vida, 2018. • USCCB, Top Reasons to Oppose Assisted Suicide, 2017. • Project Rachel, Hope After Abortion ( http://hopeafterabortion.com/ ). • Vincent Olea, “Ministry with Vulnerable Hispanic Youth” in Hosffman Ospino, ed., Our Catholic Children: Ministry with Hispanic Youth and Young Adults, Our Sunday Visitor, 2018. • USCCB, Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love, A Pastoral Letter Against Racism, 2018. • USCCB, Caring for Loved Ones at Life’s End, 2016 ( http://www.usccb.org/about/pro-life-activities/respect- life-program/2016/caring-for-loved-ones-at-lifes-end.cfm ). • USCCB, What to Do When a Friend Is Considering Abortion (pamphlet), 2017. • USCCB, Bridges of Mercy for Healing After Abortion, 2018. VI. Ministerial Area Team • Episcopal Moderators: Most Rev. Felipe de Jesús Estévez, Bishop of St. Augustine; and Most Rev. Mark Seitz, Bishop of El Paso. • Co-Leaders: Anne McGuire and Ken Johnson-Mondragón. • Panelists: Cristina Hernández, Mary Huber, and Aurora Tinajero. 26. SCRIPTURE AND THEOLOGY I. Vision There is great interest from the Hispanic/Latino community to study and gain more in-depth knowledge of Sacred Scripture and theology. The priority is to enhance biblical knowledge among catechists, pastoral leaders, and the laity in general with biblical studies in both languages, adapted to various age levels: children, youth, and youth adults. Also important is the promotion of online theology courses and programs with the potential to reach more people. The V National Encuentro provides an opportune moment to strengthen biblical animation in all Hispanic/Latino ministry. II. Social and Religious Context in Hispanic Ministry • Among most Hispanic/Latino Catholic families in general, there is very little or no knowledge of the Word of God. This makes them easy targets for proselytization by evangelical Christians who have much greater mastery of the Bible. Ministerial Area Sessions