V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

146 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry • Promote existing certificate and degree programs for formation in Sacred Scripture and theology, and make them accessible through electronic means, in collaboration with Catholic universities and other training centers. IV. Successful and Exemplary Practices • Offer biblical studies to foster social interaction in the parish and/or between parishes in the diocese. • Train leaders to evangelize with the Word of God and answer questions (apologetics). The Bible transforms lives and leads to a deep life of prayer and spirituality. • Adapt programs and content to different ages and stages of life, especially with programs and materials for youth and young adults. • Increase oversight to ensure the teaching is faithful to Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Church’s magisterium, not just the teacher’s opinion or outlook. • Allocate enough resources for the development of parish biblical schools that are accessible for the Hispanic/ Latino community. • Make use of Instituto Fe y Vida’s Diálogos Semanales con Jesús (“Weekly Conversations with Jesus”) as a resource for Confirmation or RCIA classes, providing a Lectio Divina process adapted for young people that fosters faith formation based on the Sunday readings. • Organize small communities for Lectio Divina prayer and Scripture study in parishes or homes, to meditate on the Word of God and grow in the Catholic faith, in both English and Spanish. • Provide access to biblical, theological, and pastoral courses within the diocese or online. • Offer a series of Scripture study mini-retreat days on different biblical topics. • Train leaders, advisors, and pastoral ministers to guide biblical reflection processes in their meetings and retreats, utilizing resources that already exist. • The Pastoral Biblica Web (PBW) from Instituto Fe y Vida (see Resources below) supplies academic and practical contributions for pastoral ministers, advisers, youth leaders, and young people to understand the Word of God, pray with it, live it, and share it. • Offer continuous Scripture study courses for pastoral ministers and lay leaders at the diocesan level. V. Resources The following resources were recommended by presenters and participants of the V National Encuentro : • Editorial Verbo Divino has a full line of resources for Catholic Scripture study for all ages ( http://www. verbodivino.org/ ). • Instituto Fe y Vida ( http://www.feyvida.org , http://www.facebook.com/BibliaCatolicaParaJovenes/ and http://www.BibliaParaJovenes.org ) offers a broad line of biblical resources for youth and young adults, for adults and families, and for the biblical animation of ministry. • Buenas Nuevas ( http://www.BuenasNuevas.com ). • Saint Mary’s Press ( http://www.SMP.org ) provides Scripture study materials for young people in English, as well as The Catholic Children’s Bible in English and Spanish. • Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Instituto Bíblico Católico ( http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/ore/espanol/ib ). • Boston College ( https://www.bc.edu/bc-web/schools/stm/sites/formacion-continua.html ). • Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States ( http://www.achtus.us/ ). • Jorge Presmanes and Alicia Marill, “Hispanic Ministry and Theology” in Hispanic Ministry in the 21 st Ministerial Area Sessions