V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 9 • Dioceses. Many dioceses gathered their delegates within a few weeks of returning from Texas to share and evaluate their experience, assess what was learned, and begin to prioritize a response at the diocesan level. Now that the Proceedings and Conclusions are completed, another gathering of delegates and Hispanic/ Latino ministry leaders would provide an opportunity to expand that response. For those who did not attend, the first three main sections of this document clearly present the context and the pastoral needs of the community. The 28 Ministerial Areas provide food for thought and critical reflection for every office and ministry in the chancery. This provides a great opportunity to develop or strengthen a real pastoral de conjunto for the evangelization and accompani- ment of Hispanics/Latinos in the diocese. • Parishes. As with the dioceses, parishes too can utilize the Proceedings and Conclusions to enter into the process of theV Encuentro and learn from its insights. A thorough review of the “Echoes of the Encounters in the Peripheries” might help the pastoral team to identify urgent needs and prioritize responses. They could then look to the corresponding Ministerial Areas to identify resources and successful practices that can be immedi- ately implemented in the community. • Catholic schools and universities. The pastoral concern of Catholic schools and universities is typically more nar- rowly focused than that of parishes and dioceses, yet the Proceedings and Conclusions demonstrate that there are ample opportunities to enhance education by reaching out more to Hispanic/Latino parents and families, and by responding directly to the internal and environmental challenges they face, such as those described in the “Echoes of the Encounters in the Peripheries”. Critical reflection on the insights described in the pertinent Ministerial Areas (Campus Ministry, Catholic Education, Higher Education, and Human Development) is a great starting point. Even so, develop- ing innovative connections to other Areas is highly encouraged. • Small ecclesial communities and move­ ments. The V Encuentro process demon- strated the marvelous power that God can unleash for evangelization and accompa- niment with the simple gathering of the faithful in small ecclesial communities and by engaging collaboratively with the ecclesial movements. Existing communi- ties and movements could be invited to make the Proceedings and Conclusions their own and discern how God is calling them to respond. • Catholic organizations and institutions. The ways Catholic organizations and institutions can utilize the Proceedings and Conclusions are as many and varied as the organizations themselves. Catholic Charities, Catholic healthcare institu- tions, national organizations and asso- ciations, philanthropic groups, religious orders, and many others will find in these pages direction to strengthen the contri- butions of their efforts to Hispanic/Latino Catholics and the Church at large. • Initial and continuing pastoral formation. Seminaries and pastoral Utilizing the Proceedings and Conclusions