V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 159 B y now, attentive readers may have noticed that the inspiration for the process of the V Encuentro and for the implementation of its conclusions has come primarily from the first chapter of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium. However, in Chapter Four on the social dimension of evangelization, the Holy Father introduces a concept with the poten- tial to serve as a remedy to address many of the social dynamics in the contemporary world that currently undermine or hinder the progress of the Gospel: he speaks of “the growth of a peaceful and multifaceted culture of encounter.” ( EG 220) A Culture of Encounter Sees the Humanity in Everyone Throughout the Apostolic Exhortation, the word “encounter” (“ encuentro ” in the Spanish text) appears dozens of times. What is remark- able is that those references are nearly evenly divided between the encounter with God— especially in the person of God the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ—and the encounter in soli- darity with those around us. In the light of faith, a true and respectful encounter with people who are poor, suffering, outcast, or vulnerable (cf. EG 187-192 and 197-216) is made possible because in the encounter with the Risen Christ, we have been made aware of our own poverty, our own sinfulness, and yet our own beatitude for having been chosen and infinitely loved by the Almighty and Eternal God. The encoun- ter with the Lord changes everything, with very practical implications for how we live and act in the world as witnesses of God’s love. These themes are brought together in the fol- lowing passage: “The Church has made an option for the poor which is understood as a ‘special form of primacy in the exercise of Christian charity, to which the whole tradition of the Church bears witness.’ This option – as Benedict XVI has taught – ‘is implicit in our Christian faith in a God who became poor for us, so as to enrich us with his poverty.’ This is why I want a Church which is poor and for the poor. They have much to teach us. Not only do they share in the sensus fidei , but in their difficulties they know the suffering Christ. We need to let ourselves be evangelized by them.” ( EG 198) The Holy Father goes on to explain that “Evangelization also involves the path of dia- logue.” ( EG 238) In his Encyclical Letter “On Care for Our Common Home” ( Laudato Si’ ), he amplifies this understanding when he says that dialogue and encounter between per- sons does not lead to true wisdom merely by the accumulation of data, but rather through the establishment of real relationships with others. ( LS 47) In fact, the stratification and polarization of our world today is the result of a lack of true encounter, leading to a numb- ing of conscience which neglects parts of reality. ( LS 49) The V Encuentro as a Step Toward Building a Culture of Encuentro In the V Encuentro, the Church has sent mis- sionary disciples out to the peripheries “to find Christ in them, to lend our voice to their Point of Departure...Toward a Culture of Encuentro