V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 161 Point of Departure Undoubtedly the Catholic Church in the United States will be transformed in the com- ing years as the V Encuentro process continues to bear fruit for human life and dignity, pas- toral accompaniment, and social justice. God willing, this will happen through an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the development of auda- cious and creative ministries responding to the needs and sufferings, hopes and gifts of the Hispanic/Latino community. The opportunity before us today is to embrace this transforma- tion, preparing ourselves to be the protago- nists in its realization, but also to set our sights even higher. The culture of encuentro cannot be confined to institutional boundaries—it must encom- pass the whole world and every aspect of human life and striving within it. We who have been called as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ and who have tasted the first fruits of a culture of encuentro, have demonstrated that we are prepared and willing to take the next step. By allowing the Holy Spirit to con- tinue to work in us, we become God’s chosen instruments to forge a culture of encuentro in every place and for all time—one loving encounter at a time. ¡Adelante!