V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

164 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry • Bishops Overseeing the V Encuentro National Event • Most Rev. Nelson Pérez, Bishop of Cleveland, chair of the USCCB Subcommittee on Hispanic Affairs • Most Rev. Arturo Cepeda, Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit • Most Rev. Gerald Barnes, Bishop of San Bernardino • Most Rev. Daniel Flores, Bishop of Brownsville • Most Rev. Michael Olson, Bishop of Fort Worth, the host diocese • USCCB National V Encuentro Planning Leadership Team • Msgr. Jeffrey D. Burrill, Associate General Secretary of the USCCB • Mar Muñoz-Visoso, Executive Director of the USCCB Secretariat for Cultural Diversity in the Church • Alejandro Aguilera-Titus, National Coordinator of the V Encuentro • Marlon De La Torre, Director of Evangelization and Catechesis in the Diocese of Fort Worth National Team and Equipo Nacional de Acompañamiento al V Encuentro (ENAVE) Once the formal approval of the V Encuentro process was granted by the USCCB, Alejandro Aguilera-Titus was appointed to serve as its National Coordinator. Simultaneously, funding was provided to contract four consultants to guide the ongoing unfolding of the process and the preparations for the V Encuentro National Event. • Dr. Patricia Jiménez was named to continue serving in her role as Coordinator of Communications and Marketing, responsible for media relations, website and mobile app development, social media, electronic mail and digital tools for communication within the V Encuentro organization, and coordination of communications teams in every Region to support and promote the V Encuentro process. • Ken Johnson-Mondragón was contracted as theCoordinator of Research in theConsultation, responsible for elaborating consultation and reporting tools and procedures at the par- ish, diocesan, regional and national levels; developing evaluation instruments and track- ing results; supplementing the primary consultation process of the Encuentros with surveys and interviews; developing a statistical portrait of Hispanic ministry in the United States; and reporting all of the above, including the preparation or oversight of the Regional and National Working Documents. Appendix A