V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

180 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry U.S. Diocesan Delegations: 161 (91% of territorial dioceses in the United States) Appendix C: Profile of the Participants at the V Encuentro National Event Attendance: • Diocesan Delegates, including Bishops: 2,620 • Volunteers: 219 • Organizational Representatives: 174 • ENAVE/ERAVE/Special Guests: 84 • USCCB Staff: 87 • Exhibitor Staff: 120 • Vendors/Contractors: 96 • Media Representatives: 70 • Total in attendance: 3,470 Among the Delegates and Organizational Representatives: • Total Bishops: 125 • Cardinals: 4 • Archbishops: 17, including Apostolic Nuncio and one Archbishop Emeritus • Bishops: 68, including 3 Bishops Emeritus and 2 foreign Bishops • Auxiliary Bishops: 36, including one Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus and one foreign Auxiliary Bishop • Priests: 274 • Consecrated Religious Women: 132 • Consecrated Religious Men: 2 • Deacons: 102 Optional Responses from Delegate and Organizational Rep. Registrations: • Members of a Catholic group, movement, or association: 68% • Consider themselves to be Charismatic Catholics: 51% • Members of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal: 16% • Diocesan Staff: 20% • Parish Staff: 18.5% • Emerging Leaders (involved 5 years or less): 14% • Catholic School or University Staff: 2.5% • Attended a Catholic School or University: 48.5% • Young Adults (ages 18 to 35): 21% • Men: 47.5% • Women: 52.5% • Hispanics/Latinos: 87% • Immigrants: 68% • 2 nd Generation: 14.5% • 3 rd + Generation: 17% • 1.5 Generation (arrived at age 15 or younger): 17.5% • Bilingual: 72% • Did not complete High School: 11% • Bachelor’s Degree or Higher: 51%