V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

12 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry the opportunity to interpret and to proj- ect into the future a consolidated Hispanic/ Latino identity, presence, and contribution to the Church and to U.S. society as a whole. The Hispanic leadership enthusiastically received the call to Encuentro and expressed its commitment to walk shoulder-to-shoul- der with the Bishops throughout the process. They also identified the importance of incor- porating values such as: representativeness, participation, pastoral de conjunto , and a constant spirit of prayer. Similar to the II and III Encuentros, they said the V Encuentro should utilize the pastoral circle methodol- ogy of seeing, judging, acting, celebrating, and evaluating. CREATION OF THE NATIONAL TEAM FOR ACCOMPANIMENT (ENAHVE) AND THE CORE TEAM In a spirit of pastoral de conjunto, the SCHA formed a National Team of Accompaniment for the V Encuentro (ENAHVE for its ini- tials in Spanish – Equipo Nacional de Acompañamiento Hacia el V Encuentro ). This team was composed of the four bishops accompanying the national process of the V Encuentro , all the national Catholic organi- zations focused on Hispanic/Latino ministry, and other organizations with a focus on youth and family ministry. A Core Team or Equipo Central was also created to implement the recommendations generated by ENAHVE, once they were approved by the SCHA. The members of the Core Team were Sr. Anna Marie Reha, SSND, Dr. Patricia Jiménez, Dr. Hosffman Ospino, and Fr. Hector Madrigal, under the coordination of Alejandro Aguilera- Titus, National Coordinator of the V Encuentro. These teams were key in the discernment of the theme and objectives of the V Encuentro and the preparation of the materials to imple- ment the process. In November of 2016, the USCCB approved the formation of a National Team of the V Encuentro to continue the work of the Core Team, with five people ded- icated full-time to the implementation of the process: Alejandro Aguilera-Titus (National Coordinator), Oscar Carranza (Logistics), Joe Citro (Development), Dr. Patricia Jiménez (Communications), and Ken Johnson- Mondragón (Consultation). VISION, GOAL, AND OBJECTIVES OF THE V NATIONAL ENCUENTRO During the 2014 USCCBmeeting in Baltimore, “missionary discipleship” emerged as the central theme of the V Encuentro. In addi- tion, the Bishops envisioned a spirituality of encuentro and accompaniment as an illustra- tion of the scripture passage of the road to Emmaus, which ends with the disciples joy- fully walking toward Jerusalem (Lk 24:13-35). Moreover, they emphasized the need for a continual pastoral conversation that allows the Church, consistent with its missionary nature, to respond with more fidelity and enthusiasm to the Hispanic/Latino presence in parishes and dioceses. The Church would empower the Hispanic/Latino people to live their vocation more fully as joyful missionaries to the whole Church. The work of ENAHVE’s Process Team, con- vened by Bishop Arturo Cepeda at Boston College in October 2015, was instrumen- tal in the identification and articulation of the five generative themes of the V Encuentro process. During the USCCB Fall Process and Methodology