V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 191 Appendix D REGION XI Pastoral Profile of Region XI in Hispanic/Latino Ministry • Region XI includes the states of California, Hawaii, and Nevada; the Archdioceses of Los Angeles and San Francisco; and theDioceses of Fresno, Honolulu, Las Vegas, Monterey, Oakland, Orange, Reno, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Jose, Santa Rosa, and Stockton. • Diocesan personnel dedicated to Hispanic ministry in the Region: 54 • In offices of Hispanic ministry: 55 13 • Responsible for pastoral juvenil hispana: 6 • In ethnic/multicultural or other specialized offices: 5 • Office personnel assisting these leaders: 7 • Estimated Hispanic Catholic population: • 3,867,000 immigrant Hispanic Catholics • 5,184,000 Hispanic Catholics born in the U.S. • 66% of the Catholics in the Region are Hispanic/Latino • Parishes with Hispanic/Latino ministry: 762 • Masses in Spanish: • Weekly Masses: 1,786 • Once-a-month Masses: 10 • Average attendance per Mass: 459 ( 9.1% of all Hispanic Catholics) • Among Catholic children from 0 to 17 years old: • 73% are Hispanics/Latinos born in the U.S. • 5% are immigrant Hispanics/Latinos • In K-8 Catholic schools, 35.5% are Hispanics/Latinos • In Catholic high schools, 27.7% are Hispanics/Latinos • Hispanic/Latino ecclesial ministers serving in the Region: • Immigrant priests: 510 • U.S.-born priests: 175 • Religious sisters and brothers: 618 • Deacons: 460 • Lay ecclesial ministers: 1,754 The V Encuentro in Region XI • Sent 676 delegates to the National Encuentro , including 5 ENAVE/ ERAVE and 15 bishops . • The Regional Encuentro was celebrated with 1303 delegates and 22 bishops. • 14 Diocesan Encuentro s were celebrated, with total attendance of 5,452. • 314 parishes/organizations conducted the five sessions and 284 held a Parish Encuentro. • 6,459 leaders from 442 parishes received training for the V Encuentro in 225 trainings. • Main areas of new outreach in parishes through the V Encuentro : • Hispanic/Latino young adults • English-speaking Hispanics/Latinos • People incarcerated or detained 54 Of the three (arch)dioceses that do not have an office dedicated to Hispanics or other ethnic groups, two of them (Los Angeles and San Bernardino) expect all diocesan offices to serve Hispanics. 55 May include personnel in other offices when their responsibility is for the Latino community, such as the Director of Hispanic Catechesis. Called to Make the Kingdom of God Present Where We Live The process of the V Encuentro in Region XI gave us the opportunity to create a greater awareness in the ecclesial community of what it means to be a missionary disciple. The ecclesiology of the V Encuentro helped us all to recognize ourselves as ecclesial ministers with different roles and responsibilities, but all of us walking together responding to the call to make present the Kingdom of God in the place where we live, work, study, and fulfill ourselves as people and as a community. The diocesan directors promoted an experience of pastoral de conjunto among the dioceses and among the various ministries and organizations. The presence of 22 Bishops from California, Nevada and Hawaii at the Regional Encuentro was a testimony to the unity of the Church in Region XI and gave an extraordinary impetus in the process, as the participants felt accompanied, listened to, and affirmed as Church.