V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 195 Appendix D NATIONAL SUMMARY National Pastoral Profile of Hispanic/Latino Ministry • Diocesan personnel dedicated to Hispanic ministry in the United States: 62 • In offices of Hispanic ministry: 63 203 • Responsible for pastoral juvenil hispana: 31 • In ethnic/multicultural or other specialized offices: 54 • Office personnel assisting these leaders: 55 • Estimated Hispanic Catholic population in the United States: • 13,450,000 immigrant Hispanic Catholics • 16,600,000 Hispanic Catholics born in the U.S. • 40% of the Catholics in the United States are Hispanic/Latino • Parishes with Hispanic/Latino ministry: 4,476 • Masses in Spanish: • Weekly Masses: 7,678 • Once-a-month Masses: 216 • Average attendance per Mass: 341 ( 8.95% of all Hispanic Catholics) • Among Catholic children from 0 to 17 years old: • 49.7% are Hispanics/Latinos born in the U.S. • 4.4% are immigrant Hispanics/Latinos • In K-8 Catholic schools, 17.2% are Hispanics/Latinos • In Catholic high schools, 14.6% are Hispanics/Latinos • Hispanic/Latino ecclesial ministers serving in the United States: • Immigrant priests: 2,263 • U.S.-born priests: 724 • Religious sisters and brothers: 2,293 • Deacons: 2,606 • Lay ecclesial ministers: 6,967 The V Encuentro Nationwide • 14 Regional Encuentro s were celebrated with 5,182 delegates and 118 bishops. • 144 Diocesan Encuentro s were celebrated, with total attendance of 46,538. • 2,145 parishes/organizations conducted the five sessions and 1,581 held a Parish Encuentro. • 30,052 leaders from 2,566 parishes received training for the V Encuentro in 1,214 trainings. Not all participating parishes and groups submitted a report to their diocesan chair (see Appendix B for the per- centages that reported). In the following estimates, the average level of involvement for the participating parishes/ organizations represented in the reports was taken as an overall average: • About 142,000 missionary disciples participated in the five sessions, an average of 66.2 per parish/organization. • About 211,000 people were encountered by the missionary disciples in the peripheries, an average of 98.3 per parish. • About 91,500 people participated in the Parish Encuentros , an average of 57.9 per parish. • About 24,000 potential new leaders were identified through the V Encuentro process, an average of 11.3 per parish. While it is possible that the reporting parishes had greater participation than the non-reporting parishes, it is also known that many parishes utilized only partial data for their reported counts. All things considered, the V Encuentro Research Team believes these numbers constitute a trustworthy conservative estimate of the total participation and reach of the V Encuentro in parishes/organizations. 62 Among the (arch)dioceses that do not have offices for Hispanic ministry or other ethnic groups, six expect all of their offices to serve Hispanics. 63 May include personnel in other offices when their responsibility is for the Latino community, such as the Director of Hispanic Catechesis.