V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 201 Appendix E The following chart combines the foregoing Catholic population data with the clergy numbers from the V Encuentro diocesan survey. The international numbers for comparison, represented by the blue bars, were drawn from the Vatican’s Statistical Yearbook of the Church 2016 (Libreria Editrice Vaticana). * Based on a verbal estimate fromCARA that 82%of the Catholic priests in the U.S. in 2016 were white, non-Hispanic. † To avoid a distortion of the comparison, the U.S.-born minor children of immigrants (among whom there are no priests) were counted as immigrants. Social Data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey Several social variables tracked by the U.S. Census Bureau can provide insight for the pasto- ral leaders who accompany Hispanics and their families in ministry. The V Encuentro National Research Team coded the public data from the 2016 one-year summary file and the 2011-2015 five-year summary file, so that they could be analyzed by diocese. Fourteen variables were then selected for analysis and reported in charts, often comparing Hispanic and non-Hispanic white responses. Keep in mind that these results reflect the entire population of each group, not just the Catholics. Ra�o of Catholic Lay People to Priests in 2016 By geographic region, according to the Va�can By group in the U.S., according to V Encuentro data