V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 205 Appendix E EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT AND ENROLLMENT STATUS Although the U.S. Hispanic/Latino community has made great strides in recent years in college enrollments, when compared to their white peers Hispanics are more likely to attend college part- time and either take longer to finish or never finish. In addition, non-completion of high school remains a problem, even while the drop-out rate has declined significantly in the last decade. Enrollment status for children under age 15 is not shown in the chart, but it is broadly similar to the high school enrollments—5% private or home school and 1.9% (vs. 3.7% at ages 15-17) not enrolled. The main body of this concluding document has recommendations and successful practices to increase Hispanic/Latino enrollment in Catholic schools and universities, as well as to increase graduation rates and attainment of college degrees. * Numbers may exceed 100% because some individuals may have a combination of public and private insurance.