V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 207 At every step of the V Encuentro process, evaluations have been conducted to assess the par- ticipation, content, process, and various other aspects such as logistics and contributions to the personal life and ministerial practice of the participants or delegates. The parish, diocesan, and regional evaluations belong to their respective ecclesial structures and will not be reviewed in detail here. Rather, this appendix will focus on the evaluation of the V Encuentro National Event, followed by some observations and insights regarding the entire V Encuentro process. Results from the V National Encuentro Evaluation About two weeks after the closing of the V Encuentro National Event, an email was sent to 2,895 delegates and participants, inviting them to take an online survey that consisted of seven pages of questions, to which the respondents could reply in either English or Spanish. Over a period of 12 days during which two follow-up emails and two rounds of text messages were sent to people who had not yet responded, participants initiated 1,618 responses. The online system reports that 25 email addresses were invalid and 673 people never opened their emails, so the effective response rate among those who saw the invitation was 74%. About 86% of them went on to complete the entire survey, which took about 20 to 30 minutes per person. This level of response indicates a very high degree of personal ownership and investment in the V Encuentro process among those who participated. Overwhelmingly, the delegates agreed that the V Encuentro has strengthened missionary dis- cipleship (93%) and stimulated new outreach efforts (78%) in their communities. The evaluation also invited participants to assess the quality of the V National Encuentro program and process in four broad categories. As shown in the chart above, 96% of the respondents gave average ratings of “Good” or “Excellent” on everything except logistics. In the latter category, only 90% gave such positive marks, which is still quite good, with only 2% assigning a “poor” rating. Within the top category of Prayers and Liturgies, the daily Masses garnered the highest scores, with 89% “Excellent” and 10% “Good”; less than 1 in 400 respondents gave them a “Poor” Appendix F: Evaluation – Summary and Important Insights