V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

208 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry rating. The other liturgies and most of the plenary keynotes followed closely with about 80% “Excellent” ratings. In general, the Bishops’ contributions were highly valued; any aspect of the program in which they had a prominent role typically scored better than other components in each category. Within the Consultation Process , the top marks were assigned to the Ministerial Area panels, the Inter-regional Session, and the National Working Document, in that order. Although they received generally positive reviews, there was some notable frustration with the uneven qual- ity of the breakout session leaders and table group facilitators and note-takers. With regard to Logistics , the following were rated as “Excellent” by more than 70% of the respondents: security, hospitality, volunteer assistance, the Program Book, and the gathering spaces for ple- nary sessions and banquets. In the entire evaluation, the highest level of disappointment was expressed regarding registration and hotel check-in, ground transportation, use of technology in the breakout sessions, and personal preparation before the event. Together these aspects accounted for most of the “Poor” ratings that were assigned in the evaluation. Some comparative analysis was done among different categories of attendees, but the variance from one group to the next was not that great. What can be said is that overall, the women (57% of delegates) gave slightly better scores than the men; the young adults (19% of dele- gates) gave slightly lower scores than the older delegates; and the respondents who answered in Spanish (64%) gave higher scores than those who responded in English. However, there was nothing in these comparisons that would indicate that one of these groups was given significant preferential treatment to the detriment of others, or that any group felt especially neglected in their experience of the Encuentro . Appendix F * Percent among those who attended the Dinner