V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 209 Appendix F One of the open-ended questions in the evaluation asked respondents to identify their per- sonal “highlight or most memorable moment.” The chart above shows the frequency with which the delegates in the survey identified the top experiences throughout their four days at the Encuentro . Honorable mentions should go to the prayers, the Saturday evening banquet and celebration, the overall music, and the young adult skit on Sunday morning, each of which was mentioned by 2% to 3% of the respondents. What is most evident is that each moment of the V National Encuentro program contributed to the cumulative effect of setting the hearts of the missionary disciples on fire with zeal for the Gospel and the mission of the Church. This passion to go home and make a difference in their communities is also reflected in the respondents’ simple replies when asked how the process had impacted their personal lives and their ministry. The words they chose to exemplify their experience are contained in the two following word clouds, with the size of the font indicating the frequency with which the word was mentioned. Responses were left untranslated in their original language, so a single concept may appear twice in each cloud. How would you describe the impact of the V National Encuentro on your personal life?