V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 213 It has been several months since the V Encuentro National Event, and many dioceses, regions, and national pastoral organizations have been actively developing plans and priorities to respond to what they heard from their people throughout the V Encuentro process. Specific actions are still in the early stages of development, and it is likely that plans will change over time. Thus, it is not the intention of this appendix to hold particular dioceses or organizations accountable to firm commitments, but rather to highlight a range of responses that have become possible through the V Encuentro . It is hoped that some of these ideas may find a home in other par- ishes, dioceses, and organizations nationwide. REGION I As a result of the Encuentro process, one diocese saw the need to increase their diocesan staff serving Latinos, while another is creating a position for a Director of Hispanic Ministry for the first time. A yearly diocesan Encuentro has been established for pastoral planning and evalu- ation of ministry as well as leadership development workshops that focus on personal growth and pastoral skills. Also, one parish in that diocese opened a Centro Latino de Hospitalidad to address the needs of immigrants and people in the peripheries. Another diocese is reach- ing out to people in the peripheries with increased Masses. In another diocese, one parish in particular is going strong with forming missionary disciples. A follow-up training program was held at the diocesan level last year, using the Maryknoll program, and this year the follow-up will continue with an Evangelization Conference planned for April 2019. Finally, one diocese has restructured its advisory board to ensure everyone participated in the V Encuentro and is moving from a focus on maintenance to mission, with Lenten parish retreats and greater coor- dination/collaboration with the ecclesial movements. REGION II An Encuentro was held in one diocese during the Christmas season with priests engaged in Hispanic ministry. They also conducted a workshop for evangelizers and will be initiating an evangelization campaign during Lent and Easter. Three dioceses are working with their Hispanic ministry advisory committees to develop a strategic plan to address the pastoral priorities iden- tified during the V Encuentro process. One of these dioceses has also established a center for Hispanic ministry for faith formation and leadership development. In another diocese, they are focused on developing leaders for marriage and family ministry as well as youth and young adult ministry. The Department of Catholic Schools is also considering more intentional ways to reach out to Hispanic families. One parish in particular is working with the pastoral council to develop a whole-parish pastoral plan using the Parish Encuentro conclusions. Appendix G: Prominent Initiatives and Early Responses to the V Encuentro