V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 215 Appendix G REGION VI Many dioceses in the region are beginning to implement programs that can provide formation for young people, such as collaboration with Instituto Fe y Vida and other organizations. At the same time, some dioceses are investigating the possibility of providing a bachelor’s or mas- ter’s degree for young people. One diocese has the opportunity to send two young adults to either Boston College or the University of Notre Dame for a Master of Theology degree. One diocese has filled a long-vacant Hispanic ministry position. Another diocese formed a Hispanic Pastoral Committee, and others continue to work with the Encuentro teams already estab- lished. In another diocese, the Office of Hispanic Ministry is collaborating with the Vocations Office to create a task group to promote vocations among Hispanics. In one parish, the social justice committee is developing leaders to accompany the undocumented with their legal, spir- itual, and pastoral needs. REGION VII There are now full-time Hispanic coordinators in parishes where there were only volunteers, and many Latinos now belong to the parish councils, where in some cases there was not even a single Hispanic. New programs are being implemented as a result of the consultation process, with recommendations and strategies to follow. Several dioceses in the Region have begun to implement a formation program for parents. One diocese that previously was not involved in the V Encuentro process is now forming a Diocesan Team to begin implementation, and another diocese is once again conducting the five reflection sessions in parishes. Several dioceses in the Region sent V Encuentro delegates to the national Catholic Social Ministry Gathering and are developing ways to collaborate in future efforts around social justice. Overall, three great pillars that have been identified to be worked on in the Region are the young, families, and formation. REGION VIII As a result of the V Encuentro, the dioceses in the region have initiated programs that support youth and young adult ministry, family ministry, and leadership development, as well as social justice initiatives, especially in the area of immigration. A group of delegates from the region participated in World Youth Day in Panama. The dioceses in the region have begun to commu- nicate more and share resources. Parishes have begun to initiate evangelization efforts with an increased appreciation of Hispanic culture and values, and family ministries have begun train- ings and Family Encuentros as part of their annual programming.