V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

216 | Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry REGION IX One of the fruits of the V Encuentro process was the leadership development of adults and young adults of the Charismatic Renewal to serve Hispanic youth. They have developed retreats, gatherings, and sports activities intended to build discipleship and mission experiences. The dioceses in the region have incorporated the results into the diocesan pastoral planning pro- cess in order to develop and implement the pastoral priorities for serving Hispanic Catholics. They have also presented the recommendations of the V National Encuentro to key parish and diocesan leaders. Also, this year for the first time the Midwest Catholic Family Conference will be conducted simultaneously in English and Spanish, with a joint bilingual Mass presided by the bishop to close the event. REGION X A diocese started a certificate program in Spanish called Discípulo Misionero, consisting of classes focused on forming pastoral leaders with practical skills, strategies, and approaches to transform parish faith formation and create a more dynamic Church. A new Advisory Committee on Migration focuses on giving a voice to the immigrant community and their families. In another diocese, the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe became an opportunity for evangelization and a recognition of Mary’s presence in history to unify the faithful as one Church in Christ. Still another diocese has brought together its diocesan committees for Hispanic ministry and pasto- ral juvenil to plan a Diocesan Encuentro in the Fall of 2019. The teamwork between seasoned adult leaders and young adults is an initiative from the local bishop in order to respond to the needs of Hispanic/Latino young people. The ERAVE Team in Region X is now called VERITaS (V Encuentro Regional Implementation Team and Support). The Team is working in collaboration with the regional anchoring institution to continue developing missionary disciples by implementing the priorities of the V Encuentro . Specifically, it seeks to provide human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation to equip the baptized with intercultural competencies to effectively live out their anointing as priest, prophet, and king, focusing especially on jóvenes , 2 nd and 3 rd generation teens, and families. REGION XI New structures and pastoral de conjunto : Several dioceses have formed collaboration teams among diocesan offices to better address the needs of Hispanic ministry. We have also seen ongoing meetings of the diocesan V Encuentro teams to implement the priorities. Some dio- ceses are promoting gatherings of priests and deacons in collaboration with diocesan offices, and several have scheduled a diocesan post- Encuentro event. Missionary actions: Diocesan Catholic radio stations have created new segments for Hispanic ministry; parishes in some dioceses that had not previously participated in the V Encuentro Appendix G