V Encuentro Proceedings and Conclusions

Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry | 217 Appendix G process are now implementing the five reflection sessions; and the existing groups are using new materials to maintain their enthusiasm, such as “ La Justicia Brota de la Fe, ” “ Siete Pasos de Reflexión, ” and scripture study. Formation and leadership development: The Region is creating a certification for leaders in pastoral juvenil hispana, and several (arch)dioceses are strengthening the formation structures for Hispanic ministry. Three Catholic universities in the Region have created new B.A. and M.A. programs at a low cost to facilitate access to higher education, especially for lay ministers. Two dioceses have developed a mentorship program to help people navigate the system of higher education in the U.S., and one diocese is forming parish teams for vocational ministry. REGION XII Two archdioceses have engaged in strategic pastoral planning processes that will integrate the pastoral priorities identified through the V Encuentro process. A few of the dioceses are also either redesigning or launching leadership development programs as a direct response to those pastoral priorities. For example, one of the dioceses has begun to actively utilize Catholic Relief Services resources to advance the development of its leadership in the area of catholic social teaching. Several dioceses are conducting the five parish sessions among their parishes beginning as early as Lent 2019—some to initiate the process and others to simply enhance their evangelization efforts. One of the archdioceses is working to develop a strategy to pro- mote vocations to the priesthood and religious life among Hispanics, following the model of Operation Andrew. One of the great outcomes of the V Encuentro process is that it has reig- nited communication, collaboration, and the sharing of resources in the Region. REGION XIII In one diocese, a delegate for Native American ministry is looking to see how to apply the process on the Native American reservations. They will be meeting with the clergy to gain their support and organizing a second Encuentro process. Another diocese has adapted their diocesan program of adult faith formation to emphasize missionary discipleship, inviting partic- ipants to experience a personal encounter with Christ and to respond to the call to be a Church that goes forth. The V Encuentro has also laid a foundation for Hispanic ministry leaders in the region by creating a vision of Hispanic leadership and encouraging them to aspire to diocesan and national roles. REGION XIV Five dioceses have continued with their regular Hispanic ministry efforts as they await the Proceedings and Conclusions from the National Encuentro . One diocese is working on strength- ening ministries with families and young adults by forming diocesan teams. Another diocese is organizing a gathering of priests in Hispanic ministry and leaders from ecclesial movements with